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FrozenGate by Avery

Gingerbread House contest.

Choose the best gingerbread house!

  • 1

    Votes: 11 68.8%
  • 2

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • 3

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • 4

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Dec 17, 2012
So me and the wife made gingerbread houses tonight and we need to settle an argument.

Who has the best house? Numbered 1 through 4 left to right.

Bonus night shot, or blue LED simulating the moon :)

Merry Christmas ya'll!


All four look very good. I might as well eat those now :D

On a side note, I never understood why blue LEDs are used to simulate moonlight. Even aquarists often use blue LEDs on their tank for the moonlight effect. I only used white LEDs for the moonlight on my tank. Since when did we have a blue moon?
I like #1 personally. It looks most complete. #3 second place.

On a side note, I never understood why blue LEDs are used to simulate moonlight. Even aquarists often use blue LEDs on their tank for the moonlight effect. I only used white LEDs for the moonlight on my tank. Since when did we have a blue moon?

Because in nighttime conditions your eyes see more into the blue spectrum (scotopic vision). For example, if you look at the ground at night, after your eyes have adjusted, it'll look more blue to them. There isn't actually more blue light, but your eyes are most sensitive to that wavelength under such conditions.

It's also why movies will use a blue filter to simulate nighttime conditions, even if they're filming during the day.

Plus, the white LEDs you use are usually bluish in hue, so maybe you're also adding that effect.
I can't pick until I............until I uhhhhh.............I need to taste test them........ill start the drive up speedy. See you in a few hours :crackup:
Thanks for the offer bud, however just picked the rents up from the airport. They flew down to spend it with me prior to the surgery. Maybe another time, ill have a projector by then so we can have a nice laser show too ;)
IMO the winner is #1, just edging out #3 by a gumdrop!:)
I do like all those candies on the roof peak on #3.

A Merry Christmas to you & your family Speedy! :san:
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One and three are just about equal in my opinion, one looks bigger but bigger isn't always better so I am voting for three.
#4 FTW!!!

It has decorations in the lawn, decorated tree, and it looks like it is about to open up and eat that bush in front of it. Chimney is a nice touch too.

Roof on 3 is pretty good, though, and 1 has cool icicles hanging from its roof.

Can't not say something about #2, so, something.
Nah, #2 has a very organic, pure look to it, and for something as natural looking as that, the front walkway is laser-straight!
Well since the poll is closed I can release the builder information. My wife did 1 and 2 and I 3 and 4. Thanks alot LPF, shes will never let this down :( Now its time to eat them!
