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GB: 473nm diode information / giveaway


Money has been sent.

So here's the breakdown.
Paypal took ~4.3% of everyones payment for fees. (Minus mine)
That means I received $368.5 out of the $385 sent.

I sent Styro $355 ($5 extra for anything unexpected) he is covering shipping.
The fee to send him that much as gift was $14.

Total cost: $370 (Rounded)
Total received: $390 (Rounded)
There is $20 remainder. Unless there is some unexpected import fee's this will be sent to LPF as a donation.
Just got word that the diodes came in the mail! Too bad I'm not home now to play with them. I'll have a diode shipped to ARG Monday.

I also got my LeadLight hosts in! Now I just need to find my spare flexdrive and I can get one of these whipped up tomorrow! If not then I have some flexdrives coming Monday or Tuesday and I can build them then.
Speaking of that, got a datasheet?

I'll need to fix something up to meet the diodes requirements.
I can link you to the data sheet when I'm home (I'm on my phone now) but I was told by lazereer to disregard the data sheet and just drive it at the current that is listed on the packaging.
Btw here is the info on the diode I'm sending you:
Wavelength:475nm @ 25C
Operating voltage: 5.08V
Threshold current: 40.2mA
Operating current: 74.3mA
Just realized the ones in the listing have all been tested for their own thresholds. That's better than a generic datasheet.
It lives!!!!!


Very very nice!

Did you use the settings you posted ?

Wavelength:475nm @ 25C
Operating voltage: 5.08V
Threshold current: 40.2mA
Operating current: 74.3mA


What's the output... excactly 20mW ?

How are the beam specs ? :D

Looks Ace!
