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FrozenGate by Avery

GB #2: LaserMan (Dinodirect) FireDragon 250, 300, 500mW GroupBuy - CLOSED

Re: GB #2: LaserMan (Dinodirect) FireDragon 250, 300, 500mW GroupBuy - FINAL STAGE

Has anyone tried paying via Paypal? it says that they are supporting paypal payments however there is no option to do so

azzman i see it on there about paypal. duno what it means..

try going in to my account then Billing Agreements.

somethink there about paypal.

hope this helps. tell me what it says beside your order once you have paid please.

thank you
Just paid for mine...said the $2.00 tracking fee was free for orders over $50 but it charged me the fee anyways...oh well, not gonna complain about $2 but really?
Heck of a deal, can't wait to get it and measure mine...will report back here where mine dials in at.
Thanks again!
Jmillerdoc. what does it say beside your order? pending? thats what mine says is this right?
I just payed via visa. I was going to pay with PayPal but there wasn't a option? Oh well my laser should be coming :), and I paid for tracking even if it said it was free for 50$ and up? At least my laser is coming :D
Kalahari what does the status of your order say? mine says pending what about yours
i dont want to go thru the payment proccess again incase it worked the first time and then i end up getting two!! haha i carnt afford that.

please help someone
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This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type.

WebCollect rejected the payment instruction.

help? i've tried via mastercard and amex....

also this is the error i get when trying to add paypal under billing agreements
PayPal gateway has rejected request. Merchant not enabled for reference transactions (#11452: Merchant not enabled for reference transactions).
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AZZMAN, thats what mine did. twice and im wondering if the payment went thru twice.

goto. my account and see if you have a order there. like i have.

i can not pay for the order as its a ORDER. not in my (trolly) lol

im worryed that its taken payment twice.

ive just checked my email and i got a email saying..

Thank you for your order from lasersman. Once your package ships we will send an email with a link to track your order. You can check the status of your order by logging into your account

so im guessing it has gone thru.. hmm gets me worryed more and i done that proccess twice like you have azzman.

check your email and check your My Account on laserman site. check to see if you have a order
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I don't think they have taken payment yet as I checked my credit card online and no money has been deducted yet. On the site it says pending and I did receive an email saying order received. But not payment received sooooo.....
but wouldnt it stay it your trolly till you have made payment like other sites?
why would they say..
Once your package ships we will send an email with a link to track your order.?

have you checked all your cards incase it took payment from one of them?

i just dont get why it would have gone as a order.

other sites keep it the trolly till you have paid for the items am i right?
who has paid? what emails did you get from the site?

just this one..

Thank you for your order from lasersman. Once your package ships we will send an email with a link to track your order. You can check the status of your order by logging into your account

Yeah you are correct. They should only process the order when Payment has been received....

Maybe LpKath can help us out?

edit: lol did you really need the massive text size? calm down
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