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FrozenGate by Avery

Game: Guess the mystery object !

Thermopile ? :p (naaah .....)

Thermal sensor for measure heating capacity of gas ?
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Is not called Thermopile, but the principle is the same.

Is called, Thermoelectric Battery, the model in the photo is a old one (uses heat to produce electricity).

The phenomenon of thermo-electricity was discovered in 1821 by Thomas Johann Seebeck.

The voltage difference, produced across the terminals of an open circuit made from a pair of dissimilar metals, A and B, whose two junctions are held at different temperatures, is directly proportional to the difference between the hot and cold junction temperatures

The opposite of the Thermoelectric battery is the Peltier Effect, it uses an electric current to produce temperature differences.

You Win, and next :beer:
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Ding! Close enough, Prototype is the winner. It is an ampule of pure Krypton with a wire wrap to ionize the Krypton.
Should have never second guessed myself, Krypton was my first choice! Someone else can take my spot.
"pressure-fitting" steel pin for alignment of mechanical elements ?
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