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FrozenGate by Avery

Game: Guess the mystery object !

HIMNL9 wins

His discription was closest to "pneumatic valve"

Damn you i thought that would be harder :)

Ah, well, so i suppose i have to find something "evily easy", this time ..... :eg:

What about this ? ..... i think it's evily easy enough to guess what the round part near the vacuum tube is, and what it do (or how it work, if you prefer :p) :eg: :eg: :eg:

^ do you mean that finally i've found something evily enough ? :eg:

Ok, some helps:

1) there is a magnet in it
2) the whole assembly is a transmitter
3) think about oscillators
5) this one is using vacuum tubes, but it's working system is still actual and used with ICs
5) ..... wait, no, if i say also this, i will give you the solution :p :D
Not an amplifier, and not an x-ray machine.

Another help: the round thing in the middle was originally planned for a totally different use, it still work as originally planned, but in a completely different way :p (EDIT: or, better said, the final result is totally different from the original one)
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Big old RF electronics... looks like a magnetron tube to me, perhaps part of a radar installation or something similar constructed back in the day.
No sorry.

Ok, i'm going to bed, so i will give the answer (also cause i guess noone will know this one, this time :eg:)

It's a DIY FM transmitter ..... the round part was originally a "dome" loudspeaker, and here is used as frequency modulator ..... they attached one of the plates of the capacitor of the triode oscillator to the dome of the loudspeaker, with that plastic tube you can see inside, and driving the loudspeaker with a standard audio amplifier, so the movement of the plate can "modulate" the carrier frequency :p :D

(confess that, this time it was hard, right ? :p :D)
I'd have to say that is a very inventive solution indeed :)

Who needs varicaps ;p
^ heheh ..... in vacuum tube age, varicaps was not so cheap as an old dome loudspeaker, probably, and the last one was more easy to find in the scrap box ;) :D

None posted other items ? ..... ok, then have fun guessing this one (the wood box ..... and no, is not enough to answer "a wood box" :p :D)

