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FS: Pocket Mini Build Kit! - Easy Assembly!

Shawn, your Pocket Mini Kit and PHR sled package is being shipped today! (Friday)

Please post back when you get it! :)

Hey Jay.... received my "Pocket Mini Build Kit" today.... I'm very happy with
my purchase...  8-)

Very nice.... just needed to force out the "Pill" edges where (I assume) the
Chuck held it at some point... (it was a bit out of round) ...
The brass ring wouldn't fit without a small tweak... (nothing serious...) ;)

I understood by your clear instructions that a few dabs of Thermal epoxy
between the Brass ring where it fits into the "Pill" will stop the two parts
from turning in one another....

What is the trick to get the Heatsink to turn at the same time as the "Pill"
when screwing it into the host... so that we don't twist the wires between the
two parts.... :-?

Thanks for posting back Jerry! :)

For threading the assembly into the head of the host, I put a dust cap on the lens, and just pinch the heatsink/pill assembly between my fingers (after I get it started into the head), then use my other hand to spin the head on. You will switch your thumb and ring finger at the half way point, because your ring finger will need to be inside of the head to get a good 'pinch'.

When the heatsink makes contact with the front of the head (inside), you just need to do a final 'tightening' of the assembly by using a pair of needle nose pliers, which will fit into the two little slots at the bottom of the pill...
jayrob said:
Thanks for posting back Jerry! :)

For threading the assembly into the head of the host, I put a dust cap on the lens, and just pinch the heatsink/pill assembly between my fingers (after I get it started into the head), then use my other hand to spin the head on. You will switch your thumb and ring finger at the half way point, because your ring finger will need to be inside of the head to get a good 'pinch'.

When the heatsink makes contact with the front of the head (inside), you just need to do a final 'tightening' of the assembly by using a pair of needle nose pliers, which will fit into the two little slots at the bottom of the pill...

Yeah.... I read that in your instructions.... It just now clicked.... you basically turn the two ends
together... and I saw the 2 notches on the brass ring....Thanks... ;)

lasersbee said:
Hey Jay.... received my "Pocket Mini Build Kit" today.... I'm very happy with
my purchase... *8-)

Very nice.... just needed to force out the "Pill" edges [highlight]where (I assume) the
Chuck held it at some point... [/highlight](it was a bit out of round) ...
The brass ring wouldn't fit without a small tweak... (nothing serious...) ;)

I understood by your clear instructions that a few dabs of Thermal epoxy
between the Brass ring where it fits into the "Pill" will stop the two parts
from turning in one another....

What is the trick to get the Heatsink to turn at the same time as the "Pill"
when screwing it into the host... so that we don't twist the wires between the
two parts.... :-?


Actually that little 'dent' at the bottom of the pill, is the manufacture's way of securing the brass ring in place...

Edit: At least I thought so, but you are probably right. (in hind sight) And I have since changed the way that I drill out the pill. I grip it from the other side now. The 'thicker' side of the pill. That way there will be no marks from the lathe chuck in the delicate end of the pill. Thanks for pointing that out Jerry...

But for our laser mod, I recommend a couple of 'dabs' of thermal adhesive between the brass ring and the pill, because we want to tighten it fairly 'snug' and we don't want the ring to 'spin' in the pill.

You will find that the ring will go on very easy using pliers. (carefully - evenly)
Last edited:
Yeah that makes more sense... I assumed it was Chuck marks because there were
3.... equally spaced... :-[
I'll let you know when I get it finished.... after I find some free time to assemble it that is...

Thanks for all your help Jay... ;)

will you still offer this in a few months when i have money for a violet.
It really is a very nice build, and I see no reason to stop offering the kit! :)
morphs, I am shipping your Pocket Mini Kit with other items today! (Monday)

Please post back to let others know how you like the kit! :)
Brown_Wigga, I am shipping your Pocket Mini Kit with other items today! (Tuesday)

Please let me know when you get the package...

daguin, did you try the Pocket Mini build yet? Please post! :)
jayrob said:
daguin, did you try the Pocket Mini build yet? Please post! :)

Not yet. I've just been too busy with winter session and the latest "sale." They will probably wait until after my last order of Dorcy Jr's arrives. I have an order for a matched set. Then I'll sit down and build all 5 lasers in succession. Then I'll be all out of drivers and diodes. I've still got a few things coming from Kenom before I'm done.

Hey Glenn, I'm sending your Pocket Mini Kit today! (Wednesday)

I know you guys will love these kits! I sure would like to know what you think...  Please post back! :)
Spyderz20x6, your Pocket Mini Kit with other items will be in tomorrow's mail! (Monday)

Please post back with you opinion of the build kit! :)
jayrob said:
Spyderz20x6, your Pocket Mini Kit with other items will be in tomorrow's mail! (Monday)

Please post back with you opinion of the build kit! :)
Oh, i will ;)
I orderd the pocket mini kit on Jan 27th of 2009, I recieved the package on Feb 3 of 2009 (Today). Everything is nicely wrapped and protected and comes with instructions. Everything is good quality and looks great. All the hard work is pretty much done, Thank you. I will give you rep once I figure out how lol.
