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FS: Mini Green Kit! SCHWEET!

Jay how much would you charge to cut down an o-like module?
I have a nice host that is 0.8cm too short to fit well


How do you keep getting these ideas? I love this one, looks pretty sleek :D!!



Well, it's just that when parts get smaller, it makes it possible to build it into a smaller host. Which is the best! (IMO) As long as you can have decent heatsinking.

That's why the FlexDrive is so cool... It is not only tiny, but it can power a blu-ray with a single lithium battery!

robjdixon, It is an easy operation on the lathe...

The only problem, is that I don't want to be responsible for a 'fluke' thing like maybe the lens getting a piece of brass dust on it, or the module getting lost in the mail.

If your willing to take the responsibility for those things, then you can send it to me, and then I will contact you for return shipping and ask for $10 bucks to cover my time and return shipping. Just send me a PM! :)

Update: Susie says that the 30mW and 50mW modules will be 59.4mm (which should work for this kit if they can be modified to 49mm as shown in my picture), but the O-like higher power modules will be the longer ones. Traveller has told me that Rayfoss has 50mm length modules (which would easily fit by just shortening the spring), so he is checking into that. (and I'll e-mail them as well) It would be nice to get a 100mW (or even higher power) module that is short enough to fit this kit!
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This is true...

It's so nice, that I don't even want to put a warning label on it! I don't even mind the Logo's on there. That's how nice it is! :)
I would really like one but the 150mW o-like modules are 62mm and I don't have the intestinal fortitude to chop the barrel of the module.

I would really like one but the 150mW o-like modules are 62mm and I don't have the intestinal fortitude to chop the barrel of the module.


Yea I'd be scared to. This host and heatsink could be used for a red or blu-ray build right? Using one 14500 and a flex drive or two 14250's and a rkcstr driver? Would that work?
Yes, but it would be a different heatsink set up. I know that this host is already being used by LikeitBright for very nice red and blu-ray builds. (and I think Dark Horse too, but I don't know who was first) So I would not want to copy the design for selling... (I'll use this host for some personal builds though! - it is so sweet)

This green design is completely different from his green design with the same host. My set up even uses a different battery supply. He has told me that because of the completely different design, he has no problem at all with me selling this kit.

Note: Nobody has any patents or anything, but it's just common courtesy to not sell the same design/and host that somebody else came up with, and is already selling...
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Originally Posted by jayrob View Post
...it's just common courtesy to not sell the same design/and host that somebody else came up with, and is already selling...
You're a good man, Jay Brown!


Hey did you get any news about the modules from Rayfoss?

They sent me an e-mail and said that the ones they tested were not really that stable... I had told them that we would want really nice stable ones.

I'm going to check the length of the new DX modules too. The only way to find out for sure, is to buy one and see if it can fit. I ordered a 200mW one, so I'll report back when I get it!
Took a beam shot and also dropped the price by $9 dollars...

Still, the main thing is to get a module that can be as short as 49mm by cutting the spring and/or cutting the extra length off the front barrel.

Thanks man! :thanks:

Traveller, I am sending your Mini Green kit today. (Tuesday)

Hope you like it! :)

I know that there is room for the o-like 100, 150, and possibly even the 200mW module in this tiny stainless steel host if the stock driver is removed and replaced with a FlexDrive...

The FlexDrive would also be a much better and more efficient driver for the module.

The only thing I'm not sure of, is since the module is case positive (and we want the heatsinking), I think that this direct current to the positive would possibly be by-passing the FlexDrive in this set up.

Does anybody know if the FlexDrive could work in this situation? Obviously with case negative set ups, it works, but what about a case positive situation, where we do not want to isolate the module for heatsink reasons??


I'll message Igor and Dr. Lava, and point them to this post to see if they know for sure or not, because I will definitely do this for my personal build if it can work! :D It's such a sweet little host. I mean my 62mW module is very nice, but it would be just that much better with more power!

Update: I'm sure we can scratch the idea of using a FlexDrive unless the heatsink is isolated from the host...

I checked with a DMM to see if the input and output positive connection on a FlexDrive are continuous like the negatives are. And they are not. (I figured it would be that way, it only makes sense)

Anyway, for sure this would mean that the driver would be bypassed unless the heatsink was isolated from the host...
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So cant wait for results :D I am willing to take one for science :) be sure to keep us posted!


EDIT: did your 200mW DX come in yet???
If the FlexDrive can be used, then there would be plenty of room for the o-like higher powered modules in this tiny host!

I can easily mount the FlexDrive flat if needed. On a 15mm round board that would slide into the 'already machined' battery compartment that is fit for a 15mm dia. CR2!

So there is already a 'lip' inside the host where I machine it to fit the battery. This is where a round board could just sit with a FlexDrive mounted flat on the module side.

Connections to the module with wires, the usual way. :D

We just have to find out if this set up will work in a case positive situation without isolating the module. Because isolating the module, or heatsink, would just take away from the good heatsinking in this tiny build...

Update: Won't work unless the heatsink is isolated from the host. See above :rolleyes:

Edit: No... I am still waiting on DX for my 200mW module. I read that some have received shipping notices, but I have not been notified of shipping yet. :(
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