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FrozenGate by Avery

FS: Focus Adapters

There are still 17 up for grabs. Will send out invoices and end sale in about 2 hours.

You should all have invoices in your e-mail.
Another 15 minutes.......
After wards, these will be available in my LSP thread.

Mine always walks in to the house to find the kitchen counter covered in metal objects and she says, "Is this what you did today?"

As if I accomplished nothing......pft
Since you got the right thread for the lens already, perhaps you should switch to direct diode heatsinks in the future. Better heatsinking and save $ on modules. Just something to consider (and consider making available to us :) Though of course it may be more labor, so who knows if it's worth it.)
All my personal builds use direct diode heat sinks. I just don't like selling them because if something were to be wrong with it, then not only is there the problem of the messed up heat sinks, but the $50 diode that's stuck inside of it.

--Everything will get packaged up tomorrow, and be shipped out Monday morning. Thanks guys. I got my metal transmission gears ordered. Will be nice to have my low speed/high torque setting back and not have to replace parts all the time.
True^^ I never thought about that. Perhaps I should start making my own as well. I've had this lathe for years now but never bought a darn drill chuck for it. I think it's about time.

Thanks for the inspiration! :)
True^^ I never thought about that. Perhaps I should start making my own as well. I've had this lathe for years now but never bought a darn drill chuck for it. I think it's about time.

Thanks for the inspiration! :)

lathes are fun, if you have one you need to get to work!

I'm hoping to upgrade mine in a year or two when we get settled down and buy a house and land. When I'm done with school and actually have days where i don't have anything to do.
It's been so long since i've not had something that needs to get done.
You folks with lathes need to start some tutorial threads. Something like "lathes for dummies" style. The last time I really did something with a lathe was high school. I actually bought a wood lathe from harbor freight a couple of years ago, but never did anything with it. I keep eyeing the "precision" lathe they have but i'd have to be able to be productive with it to justify speeding that much money.
If i were to make a tutorial then i'd probably get bashed with all the things i don't do "right"

When I bought this lathe, it was the first time i had even seen one. Just trial and error as I went.

I still don't even have the right bits to cut threads. I just have the taps for the set screw and aixiz module.

great. confused but great.

I didn't realize they are threaded directly to fit the aixiz lens. I was thinking they were like jayrobs that go over the other adjustment cap.

All good and probably better!!!

Thanks, that is a great price with you having to polish and thread and machine. WOW!

Very happy.
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