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FS: Complete Modules.

could I have an example of a "proper" module?

well a properly heat sinked module, holes for fixing and normally modulation.

i didnt post to piss you off, just not what i expected when i clicked on the post thats all
Like this?

Heh, I don't get pissed off on the internet (xbox live excluded)
This is a complete module.. driver, diode, housing... I heatsink is what you're talking about i think the big aluminum thing that fits inside hosts perfectly...? Yeah well the only thing wrong with that it seems so easy to do those heatsink right? WRONG!!! It's alot of little work if you get where i'm going with that.. The heatsink is what displaces the heat from the complete module.. You will need a complete module and a heatsink that fits your flashlight correctly.. If you need one jayrob sells excellent ones... Overall point is.. THIS IS A COMPLETE MODULE
Yeah, this is exactly what I was expecting when I clicked on the link the first time. BTW mohrenberg, the module is great. Of course I have no way to compare it's power, but it will light matches with ease and fluoresces stuff great! I only have yellow sharpies to test though.... I accidentally burned a yellow sharpie! and that's impressive, considering it was A:not focused on the sharpie and B:most of the energy was being turned into blue/green light.
Got my LPC today, just playing around with it on a 4 x AAA battery box I got a radioshack until I get my heatsink. It's not gonna hurt it to push it up to 9v (6 x AAA) will it? I want to go higher while I'm waiting for my CR2's to arrive.

This thing is awesome! I'm really suprised at the amount of heat it generates, I definitely understand the need for a heat sink now.

looking forward to the next one. Thanks!
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you need a minimum of 5.25 volts and a maximum of 12v, increasing the voltage will not increase the power of the laser though.
so whether you use 6v, or 9v, the output will be the same.

and yeah, the LOC really does need a heatsink as it will get hot really quick with just the bare module.
you need a minimum of 5.2v4 volts and a maximum of 12v, increasing the voltage will not increase the power of the laser though.
so whether you use 6v, or 9v, the output will be the same.

and yeah, the LOC really does need a heatsink as it will get hot really quick with just the bare module.

Ok, good to know. The more I mess with it, it seems like the burning power is all about how well its focused.
yup, easiest way is to unscrew the lens a bunch and then just move the laser closer or further from the object untill you find the distance at which is burns the best.

at least you figured it out though, you wouldn't believe the amount of people that complain because their laser is broken because the dot is "huge" and they never figured out that they have to focus it.
The "huge" dot is actually sort of entertaining.

I still can't get it to light matches unless I color them black, that's the last hurtle.
might be the matches your using, it should have no problem. Wasn't your module 240mW, i think i wrote the output on the module.
243mw - yeah it's probably the matches. I have a black desk and if its pointed at the desk it instantly starts to smoke and mark it up, pretty crazy.

how do you set the mA on the rckstr witout it having a pot?
if it doesn't have a pot then it's the fixed adjustment, and it's set by soldering on certain resistors
Here is a quick video I made for anyone interested in purchasing a LPC-815 red module from Mohrenberg. This thing is awesome. Oh, and I have a cold right now, ignore the gross breathing noises.

YouTube - 250mw LPC-815 Laser
