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FS: Complete Modules.

are you missing the outer lens that screws in an out of the module? i think i have a couple on me....as far as the dot, try cleaning the lens with some rubbing alcohol....and don't stick cigarettes on the lens lol.

if the lens is plastic you hay have melted and warped the lens....i'm not sure if the green modules use glass or acrylic lens though.

oh , by the way , I need help with a problem. My green started showing a large circle around it , and inside the circle there are a bunch of mis - shapen dots and samll lines.
It is a Top laser 301 focusable. Therefore the laser it's self is deep inside the host and I can't reach it to clean it (if that's the problem). plus I ended up taking the lens off the module and lost it , so now all I have is the top lens from inside the focusing section.

Like I said , I live in chicago. Is there anyone that has another lens for my laser that I can send it to for repair ? And can you make the spotty circle go away ?

my brother tried to light a cigarette and put the cig. right against the module with no lens. as soon as smoke started , I saw him and stopped him but it was too late. The circle appeared and won't go away. I tried to blow it with compressed air.


lmao yea stickin cigg in module BAD IDEA, he should try a lighter next time lol:can:
It was 2 glass lenses. I took the lens off the actual module right in front of the diode. That's the one i lost. I believe it is called the collimating lens. It kind of had a slight bubble in the center.
The lens i still have is the one that looks like a slightly curved piece of normal glass.
He stuck the cigarette right in front of the diode it's self.
If anything is dirty , it is that little cube crystal that the laser comes out of.
The cigarette never lit or even turned red. It just smoked a little.
That makes me think the smoke coated the cube crystal thing

so , yes , i still have the lens that screws in and out. But that lens alone only condenses the beam to the size of a nickle at about 5 feet , then it only gets bigger the farther you go.
The whole time , that jacked up spotty circle is there and also gets bigger.
Outside at about 100 feet the big circle gets like 25 feet big and the dot in the middle gets about 6 inches.
It used to stay the size of a piece of "nerds" candy and the big ugly circle didn't exist.
Can one of you guys fix it ?
hey Mohrenberg, I decided to do some testing and it appears the damaged part was the driver. The output is very low compared to the input current, and it only outputs below a volt. My guess is when USPS "transported" it, the kicking/stepping, or whatever the hell they did to it nocked around a transistor or screwed up a poorly made capacitor, and now all that energy is just being put out as heat. I can't isolate the heat myself, but my IR thermometer registers a heat increase when the driver is powered up. Not really important, I just thought the diode would have broken first. Well, maybe it did but I have no way of checking.
I tested a PHR module with 2x juice brand 3.6v CR2 batteries last night.

on full charge the module powered up to 88mW at 120mA (not a very good diode, but i don't think that matters for the test)

Anyways, the module stayed at full power for 45 minutes, and then dropped to 87mW, and began to drop 1mW every 5 minutes, i ran it for 1 hour and 5 minutes continuously, by then it had dropped to 83mW

So i don't think using 2 lithium is much of a problem....also considering these juice brand batteries are supposedly only 400mAH, and are only $1 each. i think thats a pretty decent run time
That seems like a good run.

You know it would probably be different with a 6X or an 8X though...

Here's what rpaloalto said about his 6X: (but he didn't check with a meter as to when it started dropping out of regulation)

20 minutes until it stops working all together. When it gets towards the end it really drops fast. I would guess around 10 to 15 minutes of good burning time. I don't really have much trouble as I usually like to keep all my lasers fully charged.

Don't get me wrong though...

These AixiZ modules with rkcstr drivers and diodes pre-installed are the bomb! And your prices are incredible. But I field a lot of questions on host/battery configuration for them, and the better recommendation for the blu-ray ones, is a 3 X Li-Ion host vs a 2 X Li-Ion host. For red, either configuration is fine...
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I tested a PHR module with 2x juice brand 3.6v CR2 batteries last night.

on full charge the module powered up to 88mW at 120mA (not a very good diode, but i don't think that matters for the test)

Anyways, the module stayed at full power for 45 minutes, and then dropped to 87mW, and began to drop 1mW every 5 minutes, i ran it for 1 hour and 5 minutes continuously, by then it had dropped to 83mW

So i don't think using 2 lithium is much of a problem....also considering these juice brand batteries are supposedly only 400mAH, and are only $1 each. i think thats a pretty decent run time

hmmm.... that seems good then.
yup boosted got it.
i mailed off your module a couple of days ago, so it should arrive any day now.

jayrob: i'm sure the run time is reduced a lot since they run at a lot higher current, and i believe they pull more voltage don't they? I'll have to test them sometime..going to be a pain with duty cycles though.

is this really a "module"

it looks like a diode in a aixis housing with a driver attached?
just the title says complete modules?

does this driver even include modulation?
no it doesn't. Isn't modulation mostly used for dpss anyways? I'm assuming you knew the answer to this question already....as almost everyone is familiar with rkcstr's driver.
umm fair enough.

just the title seems a bit misleading. i was expecting proper modules, not diodes in aixis housing

but not to worry
