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FrozenGate by Avery

firm definition of dead thread

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Oct 24, 2016
Trying to be respectful. But didn't find an answer in any faq's. Is there a firm line for when a thread is dead? I've been browsing for a little while and haven't seen any closed threads. Other forums I've seen sometimes close threads to prevent dead thread resurrection. Thanks for the help!

Just because a thread is old, I do not think should cause individuals to get their panties in a bunch when someone adds to the thread with additional questions. We ask members to search the forum before making new threads asking the same questions, but what if they do that and find a thread which is on their research topic, but want to ask more? Is it not better they post a question to that thread instead of cluttering the forum with multiple threads on the same subject? I know this question has been brought up before, I saw an answer from Ped back in 2014 where he said adding to old threads is not a problem for this circumstance.
I concur... An old thread is dead when it is closed.

If new and useful info is added to an old thread there
should be no repercussion to the poster.

If on the other hand a useless post like "I agree" or
"good point" is posted then the member can expect some
RED bars.

I concur... An old thread is dead when it is closed.

If new and useful info is added to an old thread there
should be no repercussion to the poster.

If on the other hand a useless post like "I agree" or
"good point" is posted then the member can expect some
RED bars.

If they're adding useful info I don't care how old a thread is. If they're just posting irrelevant stuff then I start having a problem with it.
I agree, I really think we (I) was trolled on that older alien thread which was brought back alive again by a stupid meaningless comment. I had responded before I realized it was old, I rarely look at the date the thread was last posted to. Although we did start a discussion adding to the thread after that post which wasn't so bad.

I suspect the individual who posted that remark knew I might bite the hook on that thread, since I am very interested in that subject. Probably the troll who has been in and out of the forum lately under different names. You know they are a troll when they just poke at you and disappear.

I still suspect VG or our American Brother is a part time troll, even if they are back with regular member names they use most of the time now. If you see a new member posting to old threads with meaningless comments again, probably one of them trolling.
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You have to ask a moderator to close the thread.
As a matter of fact my recent Time Limited Sales thread
was closed by someone without me asking for it to be
closed after it ended..... :thinking::thinking:

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Now that we have started discussing whether it is OK to post in old threads, I suspect some sock puppets were just taken out of a drawer and new member names created to start posting to a few old threads. Some I don't mind resurfacing as they are good threads, it's nice to see them again to get me thinking about future projects which relate to the thread.
The Sock Puppets have been posting on old threads for years to
increase their post count to look like actual members.

Bumping old threads has never gotten me into trouble as long as I've added useful information. This is especially the case for discussion threads, less so for question threads. For instance, it is not unlike me to bump one or two of the threads in the off topic section (the ones about electric lighting) to add more information. In that sense starting a new thread just because it's old would surely be the wrong thing to do. However there's little point in answering year old question threads.
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