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Sub 10 Watt mystery laser. Please help identify/evaluate/test.

No problem.
Just curious, which forum exactly was it that was less level-headed than we? :)
Gun forms I've been in are infested with people that have strong opinions on things they have never even touched.
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Gun forms I've been in are infested with people that have strong opinions on things they have never even touched.

I can see why that would be annoying.
Regardless, shame on me, I failed to welcome you. So welcome to the forum :)
Well I killed the saber by shaking it for a wall effect in smoke.

The Chinese did give me a full refund though but since they required a return I can't just fix it.

Thinking about getting another. Looks like a replacement would set me back $70

But I'm very tempted to replace it with a set of these. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/New..._1&btsid=31dc6b9f-ad5d-423d-8d7d-3708658f616d

In another thread it was stated they are all close but sub spec however the 450nm is a single mode!
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I would like to know some good ways to test power without having to spend $. (Materials a laser of X Watts should vaporize, ignite, cut, melt etc)

I am open to ideas on tests, experiments, projects, tasks for this laser that someone wants photo/video of.
Have you heard of Sam's Laser FAQ?
Welcome back, USAbro! Or are you VisibleGreen? Perhaps Crazy Jay?

Whoever you are, we hope you enjoy your very short stay. :)

Crazy Jay and VisibleGreen are the same person FYI.
and a few other forum member names now, I might be wrong about some, but I think I know most of them now, usually strange forum names tusk..., murdur, and a few others. Even probably hacked the password of a few old members who have been inactive for years now.
I tested my Thor with my LPM.

Using 2 Efest 700Mah 16340s fresh off the charger I got a reading of over 1700mW, I repeated the test twice and both readings were just a hair over 1.7 Watts.

This is using the original glass lens and it is a bit foggy (lots of splash) after 2-3 years of me using it almost daily and frying dust to the lens. I'm planning on dropping $10 on a G2 lens here pretty soon. I wonder how much closer to 2 watts I can get...
