I purchased the 80mW Firedragon in the original post.
It arrived today. It's a nice laser for $35. I just LPM'd it, and it hits a peak of absolutely positively exactly (get the point) 80mW, on the dot. Perfect on-spec laser.
In fact, I think there's one over-riding reality that everyone should be aware of when buying the power certified dino direct lasers. They are probably going to be ON-SPEC, which is awesome, but they're probably also NOT going to be OVER-SPEC.
I'm sure that what DD does is grab a bunch of lasers, ignore the rated power, LPM them, and then sell them in whatever classification they meter at. So if a particular model has as 60mW variant and an 80mW variant, and you purchase the 60mW, don't expect it to meter at 100. You might get lucky and buy a 60, but receive a 79. However, if that laser could meter and be sold at 80, they'd sell it at 80.
There's an up and a down side to the power certified line. I think it is an AWESOME line for the record. But I wouldn't expect any windfall magically-over-spec lasers to come out of it. That's still not a bad thing, because so far, all the feedback from this LPM'd line of DD lasers that I've heard, has been positive.