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FrozenGate by Avery

*Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) Laser

Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

Well, there goes my second one. It lit for a few seconds, and then I got up to do something else and I came back to a dead diode. It wasn't at any more than 20mA the whole time! I think I'm done with Blu Ray DIYs for a while :[

Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

I bought a 360 HD DVD drive today for $50 and murdered it so I could steal the diode  :D Taking the drive apart was pretty easy until you get down to the last couple of metal housings around the diode itself. I finally got the diode out and I pressed it into an aixiz housing and wired it up to my lm317 driver that I had running my red DVD burner until it died, I just replaced the 4ohm resistor for a 33ohm and it was ready for purple lazerings. As I turned the trimpot up I saw the purple dot appear on the wall and get brighter until I hit about 30-35 mA and I left it there. I was pretty relieved that I hadn't damaged the diode taking it out of it's original housing or while soldering the old board off of it. Right now my HDDVD laser is just a mess of parts on my desk but  I'm working on an SMD driverboard to power it in a flashlight body.  8-)

Remember to always short the leads of your driver output to discharge the capacitor before connecting your laserdiode! I learned that the hard way  :o
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

trublu832 said:
I bought a 360 HD DVD drive today for $50 and murdered it so I could steal the diode :D Taking the drive apart was pretty easy until you get down to the last couple of metal housings around the diode itself. I finally got the diode out and I pressed it into an aixiz housing and wired it up to my lm317 driver that I had running my red DVD burner until it died, I just replaced the 4ohm resistor for a 33ohm and it was ready for purple lazerings. As I turned the trimpot up I saw the purple dot appear on the wall and get brighter until I hit about 30-35 mA and I left it there. I was pretty relieved that I hadn't damaged the diode taking it out of it's original housing or while soldering the old board off of it. Right now my HDDVD laser is just a mess of parts on my desk but I'm working on an SMD driverboard to power it in a flashlight body. 8-)

Remember to always short the leads of your driver output to discharge the capacitor before connecting your laserdiode! I learned that the hard way :o

ouch pricey - you can get a PS3 sled from PSXboy for around $40 shipped
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

I have some data of the power output vs. current. You will all be very surprised.

I(mA) P(mW)
45 10
50 19
60 33
70 51
80 67
90 80
100 99
110 115

These values are for an XBOX360 HD-DVD drive. The measurements are all a bit rough but within 10%. I thought maybe we just had a completely freak diode, so we left it on for over an hour at 110mA and it was still going strong! We also pulled out a diode from a second drive and tested it and the readings matched. At 100mA it put out 95mW. I would say either we got two beastly diodes, or maybe microsoft started throwing higher power diodes in to get rid of them. We have another 3 diodes yet to be tested, plus one that I bought for myself so I will test those when I get a chance and let you all know what results.
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

climbak said:
I have some data of the power output vs. current. You will all be very surprised.

I(mA) P(mW)
45 10
50 19
60 33
70 51
80 67
90 80
100 99
110 115

These values are for an XBOX360 HD-DVD drive. The measurements are all a bit rough but within 10%. I thought maybe we just had a completely freak diode, so we left it on for over an hour at 110mA and it was still going strong! We also pulled out a diode from a second drive and tested it and the readings matched. At 100mA it put out 95mW. I would say either we got two beastly diodes, or maybe microsoft started throwing higher power diodes in to get rid of them. We have another 3 diodes yet to be tested, plus one that I bought for myself so I will test those when I get a chance and let you all know what results.
Those are some incredible numbers! :o
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

climbak said:
I have some data of the power output vs. current. You will all be very surprised.

I(mA) P(mW)
45 10
50 19
60 33
70 51
80 67
90 80
100 99
110 115

These values are for an XBOX360 HD-DVD drive. The measurements are all a bit rough but within 10%. I thought maybe we just had a completely freak diode, so we left it on for over an hour at 110mA and it was still going strong! We also pulled out a diode from a second drive and tested it and the readings matched. At 100mA it put out 95mW. I would say either we got two beastly diodes, or maybe microsoft started throwing higher power diodes in to get rid of them. We have another 3 diodes yet to be tested, plus one that I bought for myself so I will test those when I get a chance and let you all know what results.

Surprised?! More like shocked. Now I'm sorely tempted to turn up the power on mine, which I am currently driving at a conservative 35mA.

I've got to wonder how long the diode will last at 100mA. I hate not knowing the specs for the diode, I searched online but couldn't find anything.

Do your diodes have a rectangle of yellow/purple spray, with the spot embedded in it? Also, did you note the lasing threshold for the diode? On mine I could not get the current low enough.. the lowest I could go was 20-25mA, and it was lasing at that point.
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

Another member here measured 10mW at 35mA, and 15mW at 40mA.
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

climbak said:
I have some data of the power output vs. current. You will all be very surprised.

I(mA) P(mW)
45 10
50 19
60 33
70 51
80 67
90 80
100 99
110 115

Wow, very good! what did you use to measure these?
The last report I heard on an xbox laser it dies at about 10mW after a day. What is the voltage across the diode at 100mA AND can you take an extreme closeup (as close as possible while being IN FOCUS) of the front and back of the diode itself?
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

flogged said:
Surprised?! More like shocked. Now I'm sorely tempted to turn up the power on mine, which I am currently driving at a conservative 35mA.

I've got to wonder how long the diode will last at 100mA. I hate not knowing the specs for the diode, I searched online but couldn't find anything.

Do your diodes have a rectangle of yellow/purple spray, with the spot embedded in it? Also, did you note the lasing threshold for the diode? On mine I could not get the current low enough.. the lowest I could go was 20-25mA, and it was lasing at that point.

I would say if you are already getting 10-20mW don't push it. We have the diode fully heatsinked so that is helping. The threshold for both diodes we have hooked up so far was about 35mA. When the power was turned down fairly low, the yellow bit was present.

drlava said:
Wow, very good!  what did you use to measure these?  
The last report I heard on an xbox laser it dies at about 10mW after a day.  What is the voltage across the diode at 100mA AND can you take an extreme closeup (as close as possible while being IN FOCUS) of the front and back of the diode itself?

I wonder if they are using a lot of different diodes like sony did. We have been consistantly running ours at over 50mA since we turned it on last night. We dropped it off with the company we built it for today so they can do some preliminary testing. I am making more heatsinks this week and ordering another collimator tube or two. When they come in I'll be making up another driver and the new power supplies should be in so I will see if the other diodes are as stout. I'm not sure what the voltage was across the diode, but I'll measure that as well when I get another one set up. I'll take some pictures of the diode tomorrow and get them on here. One thing I noticed, they have the same marking the diodes from the 6x LG burner has. I doubt that they are the same, but the power levels appear to be very similar. I'll be calling LG and Microsoft this week to see if I can find out what diodes they use so maybe that will put some light on the situation. If I can't figure it out, I am sure we can push the current until it blows the diode. We have 5 at the moment and the local best buy has about 20 or more units left. I may do a long term test too and see how long it will last at 100mA.
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

here are a couple pics of the diode. looks exactly the same on the outside as the lg 6x diode to me. of course its inside that matters.

Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

climbak said:
[quote author=flogged link=1204080284/105#117 date=1209522237]

Surprised?! More like shocked. Now I'm sorely tempted to turn up the power on mine, which I am currently driving at a conservative 35mA.

I've got to wonder how long the diode will last at 100mA. I hate not knowing the specs for the diode, I searched online but couldn't find anything.

Do your diodes have a rectangle of yellow/purple spray, with the spot embedded in it? Also, did you note the lasing threshold for the diode? On mine I could not get the current low enough.. the lowest I could go was 20-25mA, and it was lasing at that point.

I would say if you are already getting 10-20mW don't push it. We have the diode fully heatsinked so that is helping. The threshold for both diodes we have hooked up so far was about 35mA. When the power was turned down fairly low, the yellow bit was present.

drlava said:
Wow, very good! what did you use to measure these?
The last report I heard on an xbox laser it dies at about 10mW after a day. What is the voltage across the diode at 100mA AND can you take an extreme closeup (as close as possible while being IN FOCUS) of the front and back of the diode itself?

I wonder if they are using a lot of different diodes like sony did. We have been consistantly running ours at over 50mA since we turned it on last night. We dropped it off with the company we built it for today so they can do some preliminary testing. I am making more heatsinks this week and ordering another collimator tube or two. When they come in I'll be making up another driver and the new power supplies should be in so I will see if the other diodes are as stout. I'm not sure what the voltage was across the diode, but I'll measure that as well when I get another one set up. I'll take some pictures of the diode tomorrow and get them on here. One thing I noticed, they have the same marking the diodes from the 6x LG burner has. I doubt that they are the same, but the power levels appear to be very similar. I'll be calling LG and Microsoft this week to see if I can find out what diodes they use so maybe that will put some light on the situation. If I can't figure it out, I am sure we can push the current until it blows the diode. We have 5 at the moment and the local best buy has about 20 or more units left. I may do a long term test too and see how long it will last at 100mA.[/quote]
What is Best Buy asking for those?
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

climbak said:
here are a couple pics of the diode. looks exactly the same on the outside as the lg 6x diode to me. of course its inside that matters.


OK, I'll admit I was doubting you, so I just went and ripped the diode out of the my last remaining xbox drive.

It looks just like the one you've pictured here -- COMPLETELY different from the first two diodes I harvested. This latest one had a completely different sled, and the diodes were different too. I had to use the 'Milos' method to push the diode out from the front. It was also a bit more difficult to desolder the PCB off the back of the diode.

The first two xbox diodes I harvested were 5mm cans, with markings across the side of the can (SB016L481).

The most recent one I just harvested looks just like yours, with the digital mark on the back.

I'm stoked, cuz if your numbers are correct these are much more powerful. Looks like it'll be a long night, I need to solder up another DDL circuit and test this thing!! Glad I've got a lava drive on order as I may need it.

So there appear to be at least two internal versions of the Xbox HD drive. Play the diode lottery and hope for the best.
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

I am thinking maybe microsoft threw these new diodes into the newer drives. so far I've opened up 4 drives and all of them are the new more powerful diodes. Maybe we should all buy the remaining stock haha.
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

The XBox 360 HD-DVD sled number PHR-803T got the Diode with the digital mark.
I have encountered three of this sled all with the digital mark.

Psxboy selling these for $40 each.


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Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

Diode with digital mark from PHR-803T sled.


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