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FrozenGate by Avery

*Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) Laser

Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

No, the pinout is in the first post. Where is says "most likely photo diode" if may actually just be a ground to the case of the laser or something.

Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

welllll, i had mine running fine and all cept the glass lense was knocked loose at some point. i was getting pissy cuz sometimes i'd have to shake laser to get the lense out of the was of the diode. needless to say i got impatient and either fried it while doing it or it overheated but i think i busted one of the thin wires inside disconnecting it.....
ohwell, guess ill use my hose and module from deal extreme to make a red burner out of my 16x DL burner since i have a newer burner in pc now
Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I finally got mine working, but without a boost driver so I used two 12 volt a23 batteries. I'll get pics up later.
Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

i got my xbox hd dvd laser today, and i got it out of the heatsink and i hooked it up to rkcstr mini driver at 38ma and its sweet, here is a pic, i will get more later


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Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

here is my xbox 360 diode


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Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

beam across the room with no smoke/fog


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Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

another beam shot


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Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

That looks great man. I'll be curious to see what host you use.

Here's pics of mine, they are also in the first post.




A little gummie bear flouresence

And a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLmvh2PzRys
Re: Xbox HD DVD Laser

cool i want one in a pen but i dont no where to get a boost driver at, ill show my host when its done in a few days its going to be very awsome ;)
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

Hey guys new to this forum not so new to electronics. I managed to build a Xbox360 hddvd laser and get it lasing. However the beam had many artefacts and couldn't be focused at any more than 2 meters without a giant halo effect. I took my diode out of the housing I had it in and discovered some loose glass inside the can. I removed this and the beam became somewhat more focused. Upon trying a longer range test I again noted the same problem and removed some more loose shards from the can, however the latter attempt ended with me ripping the gold contact bonded to the diode. Anyway I now have one very dead diode and no laser :( . I assume I broke the glass inside the can while removing the diode from the Xbox drive. I wonder how have other people succeeded with focusing? I might grab another hddvd diode but first I would like to know if I am going to end up with the same unusable beam I had with this one. Does anyone have some shots of the beam divergence to say 10 meters?

Thanks guys, especially for the pin out on the diode.
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

Let me make sure I understand correctly before I kill my second diode: when running the LM317 driver, the diode has to be connected to the circuit FIRST before adding power, right? I think that's what killed my first BR diode. Also, the xbox diodes should be at about 30-35 mA?
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

bostwickenator said:
Hey guys new to this forum not so new to electronics. I managed to build a Xbox360 hddvd laser and get it lasing. However the beam had many artefacts and couldn't be focused at any more than 2 meters without a giant halo effect. I took my diode out of the housing I had it in and discovered some loose glass inside the can. I removed this and the beam became somewhat more focused. Upon trying a longer range test I again noted the same problem and removed some more loose shards from the can, however the latter attempt ended with me ripping the gold contact bonded to the diode. Anyway I now have one very dead diode and no laser :( . I assume I broke the glass inside the can while removing the diode from the Xbox drive. I wonder how have other people succeeded with focusing? I might grab another hddvd diode but first I would like to know if I am going to end up with the same unusable beam I had with this one. Does anyone have some shots of the beam divergence to say 10 meters?

Thanks guys, especially for the pin out on the diode.

Ug, what did you do to the diode? You broke the window on the diode can itself? What sort of housing/optics are you using (AixiZ)?

My XBox HD is still going strong. Below is a shot to give you an idea of the divergence on mine. This is at about 25 feet (~8 meters). I held up a piece of paper over the spot and used a pen to mark the size (the mouse turd like speck to the left of the far right penny). It's just a few mm per side. I'm using the Meredith glass lens assembly.


The diode itself is just part of the package - unless you have decent optics also you're never going to get very good divergence.

Aside from a rectangle of spray around the spot (intrinsic to the construction of the diode) I get good, if finicky, focus on mine. The spot is a Clean ellipse.

My opinion is you really want to keep the window intact on the diode can. There's a reason these diodes are in a sealed (can) environment. You don't want dust and crud to bake/accumulate on the diode facets over time. You can clean the diode can window.. it's not so easy to clean the diode itself :)

If I adjust the focus to be upclose the speck is tiny, and has just enough power to pop a balloon within a couple feet on mine.
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

my XBox HD Bluray hack still lives. I'm quite pleased with it. No duty cycle, runs cool. During the day it looks a touch fainter than my 5-10 mW red keychain laser. It's a different story at night. At night the beam is sooo visible, from any angle - even the side, whereas the red pointer's beam is barely visible only while sighting down in. When I ceiling bounce the red laser it lights up the room feebly. When I ceiling bounce the bluray it really lights up the room.. all sorts of stuff starts to glow in the room. Amazing.

Probably got over 7-8 hours of use on it so far.

The spot itself never looks very bright, but you can tell indirectly when doing a ceiling bounce or when something fluoresces that it's more powerful than it looks.

I really want, and will eventually have, a more powerful, true burning, bluray pointer. I'm just going to wait for the prices to come down a bit more before joining the 6x club. I have a feeling within a couple years powerful Blurays will be much less expensive than now.


Here are a couple of shots shining the laser into some Uranium glass - it glows green.


Into a light bulb

The pointer
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

thebucketmouse said:
Let me make sure I understand correctly before I kill my second diode: when running the LM317 driver, the diode has to be connected to the circuit FIRST before adding power, right? I think that's what killed my first BR diode. Also, the xbox diodes should be at about 30-35 mA?

Yes I would add power after its connected. And I ran mine at 35mA. I think 30 is a little low, and 40 is overdriving it. It seems to be very similar to the PS3 diodes. But not exactly.
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

thebucketmouse said:
Let me make sure I understand correctly before I kill my second diode: when running the LM317 driver, the diode has to be connected to the circuit FIRST before adding power, right? I think that's what killed my first BR diode. Also, the xbox diodes should be at about 30-35 mA?

(my two cents)

OK... so I'm all finished wiring everything up for the first time and I have the pot turned all the way down. I make certain the initial resistance is high enough (30-40 ohms) that the diode does not come to life using more than 10-20 mA of current. I also have my multimeter hooked up to the circuit (again, when powering it up for the first time) so I'm measuring things when the diode first lases. This is important as it's easy to blow the diode initially when first testing it!!

Then (after wiping the sweat off my palms) I slowly turn the pot up, while watching the current use on the DMM. Aim for 30-35 mA. My working pointer is drawing 30mA. I then mark the pot and that's that.

For my second attempt (first attempt died after a few minutes @ 40 mA), the one that still works, I wired everything up (after gluing the diode into place in the housing) and was lucky to have it work. It's always a nervous moment when you hit the power for the first time... great feeling when it works, devastating when it doesn't

My parents got me yet another Xbox HD drive for my birthday. So I'm planning on eventually building one more xbox bluray. The next one I build I may attempt to drive at a slightly higher power, say 35mA instead of 30mA.

Unfortunately no one know the specs, or even the manufacturer, of these diodes. So we're all guessing. I can say the one I've got at 30mA is stable.
Re: *Finished* Pics & Vid -Xbox HD DVD (Blu-Ray) L

Ya you will notice a huge difference in brightness between 30 and 35mA. I suggest running it the first time on a power supply instead of your own circuit that way you can do some tests and still feel safe.
