That's just it - nobody knows anything about the diode. My very limited two datapoints indicate it may have a slightly lower max current than the Sony (PS3) diode.
I spent some time searching around on the internet, couldn't find anything. The drive innards are Toshiba.
Another thing to keep in mind is, even from the same model diode the operating current can vary by over a factor of two - each diode is unique, so there are no hard numbers. Ideally you know the rated power output and you adjust the current until the diode reaches that level (using a LPM). Second best would be to have the datasheet and adjust the current to the median value (using a DMM).
Mine, running at 30mA, is at least in the 10-15 mW range. I did an indirect power measurement compared to my 20-25 mW red pointer. Hang a garbage bag on the wall, and then (in the dark) graze the laser beam off it and watch the reflected light on the ceiling (needs to be held still). The reflected light will create a shifting pattern cuz lasers in this power range are just strong enough to start to melt the plastic without punching a hole in it. Judging by how 'animated' the patten is my pointer is probably around 15mW. It's really hard for me to estimate the power level by eye because it's just not very sensitive to it.