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FrozenGate by Avery

FF4 w/ Extras $235 Small Sun PT-54 Red Phlatlight $70

Re: PGL-III 532nm 500mW

Nice! My first 445nm build is getting lonely so i have been looking into other wavelengths to add to the collection, I have noticed its hard to find a decent green / red with a nice power output for a decent price like this.
Re: PGL-III 532nm 500mW

If this was able to be dismantled for postage it would have been sold a LOONG time ago!! I can't believe this is still here at this price! Geese i would have almost killed someone for a 600mW 532nm at this price not that long ago! Especially a PGL-III!!!!
Re: PGL-III 532nm 500mW

I really wouldn't mind having that :p Let me think on it a while...
Re: SPF PGL-III 532nm 500mW

How's the beam? Much splash? Nice laser. I bought Isaac's in the custom Eghemus host for close to twice this price. It's a rated 800mw that generally runs around 730-770mw and peaks to nearly 1w (945 on one run). This is a steal at this price. If the beam is good I will probably take it if still available. Can you post some beam splash shots?
Re: SPF PGL-III 532nm 500mW

Laser has been paid for sorry guys. Maybe Marduk will post some beamshots when he gets it.... splash wise it was one of the cleanest lasers I have seen.
Re: SOLD PGL-III 532nm 500mW

Damn I wish I saw this in time this is exactly what I'm looking for. Congrats to who bought it
Re: Modified TK-75, Modified 6 x XM-L2 U2 SRK's, FF4

Updated OP w/ some flashlights
Re: Modified TK-75, Modified 6 x XM-L2 U2 SRK's, FF4

Man I want that FF4 SOOoo bad. That's one sweet deal.:thinking:
Re: Modified TK-75, Modified 6 x XM-L2 U2 SRK's, FF4

Man I want that FF4 SOOoo bad. That's one sweet deal.:thinking:

The FF4 is a hell of a light, and it's in perfect condition. This is a breakdown of what I paid for the package.

FF4 (from lips - authorized US distributor) - $269
New Battery Carrier - $30
Panasonic NCR18650PF - $7+ ea. x 4 = $28
Total price - $327

So $245 seems like a decent deal for someone.

Here are some package deals that someone might be interested in… Remember there is only 1 of each light left so that means only one person will get one of these package deals.

Package 1: $220 w/ Batteries; $200 w/o Batteries
Sky Ray King

Package 2: $270 w/ Batteries, $250 w/o Batteries
FF4 w/ extra battery carrier
Sky Ray King

Package 3: $450 w/ Batteries, $420 w/o Batteries
FF4 w/ extra battery carrier
Sky Ray King
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