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FrozenGate by Avery



Jan 20, 2008
I made some minor revisions.

And apparently there's still not enough info in it, because we still get hundreds of n00b questions. So make suggestions here of additional topics, and I'll either make a poll or just pick a few.

and also. FREAKING READ IT. I put effort into that, I'd appreciate it if it was used.  :P

I'm going to be bumping this so it stays on the first page... because it's important?


You're supposed to reply to this.

Don't piss me off, I've got tenure. <.<
I'm pretty sure that even if your FAQ was as comprehensive as Sam's we'd still see the same n00b questions over and over.. A FAQ is useless to those who refuse (are too lazy) to read it.
c0ld should make important topics flashier or at the front page ; but I think that what I said should be put in admin/suggestion topic..
Anyway, good job on the faq, and we all appreciate you for going through this burden writing three pages worth of faq...
40,000+ views in a year is supposed to be indicative of people reading it, lol.
I mean, I don't really care too much, but I spent a lot of time on it. xD I meant it to have more benefit and impact than a few +Rep's...
Chad said:
40,000+ views in a year is supposed to be indicative of people reading it, lol.
I mean, I don't really care too much, but I spent a lot of time on it. xD I meant it to have more benefit and impact than a few +Rep's...

i read it, it helped me a lot the first time i came to the forum. :D
Don't get me wrong.. I appreciate the work you've invested. It's well written and covers the major stuff.. I'm not saying that no one reads the FAQs, it's just the ones who are too lazy or don't notice them that are asking the n00b questions, as you put it..

Seriously.. thanks

The reason that I never read your FAQS wasn't due to laziness, or even because I didn't notice it... I saw it but didn't know what IT was.

I didn't take the time because, from the title, I thought it was going to be a bunch of RULES regarding the "proper way" to post. (I guess the "Read before posting!" part that threw me.) I didn't sign up to read rules. I joined to learn more about lasers.

There is nothing in the title that tells the average guy, in no uncertain terms, that it IS what IT IS... a really great resource, a CLIFFS NOTES on lasers, a marvelous mini encyclopedia of maser material.

Change the title from "basic FAQs..." to "HEY!!! LOOK HERE FIRST. It will save you time, make you smarter, and possibly prevent you from looking like a NOOB."

today's people (especially young ones) tend to want things without the minimum effort........never mind reading!!!!
i personally read all the important topics and helped a lot
I for one done care about the noobs and their stupid questions. No one should IMO.
Just ignore the noobs and leave LPF for people who actually care for the hobby!
I've got to agree with T_Warne.... I too thought it was Posting Rules for
Noobs.... The tittle should reflect what the subject matter is about..IMO

I think I read the beginning of this  thread 3 times since it was posted... and
couldn't for the life of me understand what Chad wanted the noobs to read...

I finally figured it out... :P

It would have been helpful to have a link to the Thread in question right on
the first posts.... like this... ;)


I believe things are fine. Think about this. LPF lik life, is survival of the fittest. If the noobs (myself included) get frustrated by some of the replycomments to their stupid then they will leave and probably stop dealing with lasers all together. I personally think it is good, because it's one less moran that might point a newly aquired laser at a plane. But the ones who do stick it out (me ;D) learn valuable things that can't really be taught by reading any one post. But never the less thanks to everybody who has taken the time too make the all the faq posts.

FireMyLaser said:
I for one done care about the noobs and their stupid questions. No one should IMO.
Just ignore the noobs and leave LPF for people who actually care for the hobby!

Really? I've been around here longer than just about everyone, and even I was a n00b once. What does that matter? You start learning about the hobby by asking stupid questions. It's how I did it, it's how most of us did it, and it's worked pretty well so far.

Thanks for the tips, guys... a rename will happen once someone comes up with something worthy. lol
Chad said:
[quote author=FireMyLaser link=1236195124/0#9 date=1236350890]I for one done care about the noobs and their stupid questions. No one should IMO.
Just ignore the noobs and leave LPF for people who actually care for the hobby!

Really? I've been around here longer than just about everyone, and even I was a n00b once. What does that matter? You start learning about the hobby by asking stupid questions. It's how I did it, it's how most of us did it, and it's worked pretty well so far.

Thanks for the tips, guys... a rename will happen once someone comes up with something worthy. lol[/quote]
I think he means that it gets annoying to have to tend with the daily idiot that asks how to mod a weak laser pointer into a burning laser. Answering a n00b's valid questions like problems with setting the current on a flexdrive or trouble shooting a DDL circuit is totally acceptable, but the people who come by asking how to modify their keychain pointer into a burning laser deserve to be ignored because they didn't read at all and they just want to be spoon fed the info.
When I joined I lurked the forums for a along time and learned all I needed to know how to make my own laser without making a single post. Now I see these n00bs being all lazy and making threads like: "howz I make a laser", or "BU-firkin'-HU! my diode blew, why??" etc all over the forums, every day. The atmosphere on LPF has changed the last few months. Before it was new exiting threads with many posts, now it's just n00b-threads with lots of posts.
It's not to rare to see in other forums that the mods simply close threads that's been made over and over. But not here, instead other members choose to just spoon fed the lazy posters and things go downhill from there IMO.
Chad said:
[quote author=FireMyLaser link=1236195124/0#9 date=1236350890]I for one done care about the noobs and their stupid questions. No one should IMO.
Just ignore the noobs and leave LPF for people who actually care for the hobby!

Really? I've been around here longer than just about everyone, and even I was a n00b once. What does that matter? You start learning about the hobby by asking stupid questions. It's how I did it, it's how most of us did it, and it's worked pretty well so far.[/quote]
I agree completely. [highlight]EVERYONE[/highlight]was a n00b at one point. The whole point of the forum is to educate, learn, and share. Otherwise you just have a handful of engineers batting dry opinions back and forth. Yeah, that's fun. If people didn't "care" about the hobby they would not even be here to start with. Plus most are kids. So what do you expect? IMO
