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~ LB
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You think this is why we get so many damaged lasers from China?

I really hope that's being done on purpose.

I mean crap, most of the packages don't even land on the freaking conveyor belt.

My poor poor laser... at least I know flashlights can take a beating, but damn... poor lasers :(
I really hope that's being done on purpose.

I mean crap, most of the packages don't even land on the freaking conveyor belt.

My poor poor laser... at least I know flashlights can take a beating, but damn... poor lasers :(

Unfortunately its not. The guy that is filming is a farmer/horse..guy/inventor from Australia..
the guy in the back has his hands on Grossman's (#8) and is also looks like he is going "uuuuhhhhhhhhhh"

too many people dont think tattoos through
