Oh really damn you'd think a company as big as WD would be reliable is it just the MyBook or just them in general?
Is seagate better?
@HIMNL9: how different experiences can be...0o
I have ~10 WD HDDs with almost 12 TB HD-Videos on it and no problems so far
I hope that this will last a while
Well, i have a lot of WD disks, also, both in PCs than in external enclosures (common OEM USB interfaces, like Vector or Lindy ones, NOT WD ones), and usually they never gave me more problems than the other brands ..... as i've said, are ONLY the "mybook" serie ones, that gave me all those problems, so probably is a defective serie of specific products, not the whole production of disks.
As example, i had 2 NAS on 2 (same company) died in 2 weeks time (interface dead, no apparent reasons), and had to ask a person for a specific software for recover the data, cause none of the commercial products available on the market was able to see the "custom" modified FAT/table formatting of those disks (they used a customized version of Linux with a non-standard FAT scheme), and WD custom service said me that they can only exchange the burned boards, not recover the data ..... a third one had the first disk dead, and the RAID internal function was unable to recover the data on the new disk, as instead was stated on the manual ..... another one fried both the disks for overheating, when the fan stopped to work ..... and 2 external USB disks also dead without any apparent reason, one fried the disk PCB, the second shorted the USB chip and blown it (those for the ones sold from me ..... other than this, i had in my shop other 2 external disks from the "mybook" series, not sold from me, with similar problems, from clients that asked me to recover their data) ..... after this, i stopped to sell WD "mybook" products (not the bare disks, they apparently are OK)