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FrozenGate by Avery


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Call me a sore loser if you want , however this has been the most confusing giveaway I have ever seen. I posted and didnt see my name on the list also what is this 100 post thing ? Congrats to all the winners. Can some 1 explain to me what happened here did I miss something .

Call me a sore loser if you want , however this has been the most confusing giveaway I have ever seen. I posted and didnt see my name on the list also what is this 100 post thing ? Congrats to all the winners. Can some 1 explain to me what happened here did I miss something .


100 post was one of the minimum requirements for the drawing. You didn't qualify to be in it.

100 post was one of the minimum requirements for the drawing. You didn't qualify to be in it.

Each member can only enter one time-and all that joined the forums BEFORE Jan 1 2012 are eligible-- sorry newcomers= and here is the tricky part== the names will be chosen randomly by the number. So you all have a chance. Cutoff will be at midnight Central (usa) time on Wed. the 23rd.

Where was that mentioned? Sorry Ive looked twice now
Each member can only enter one time-and all that joined the forums BEFORE Jan 1 2012 are eligible-- sorry newcomers= and here is the tricky part== the names will be chosen randomly by the number. So you all have a chance. Cutoff will be at midnight Central (usa) time on Wed. the 23rd.

Where was that mentioned? Sorry Ive looked twice now

The original selection did not include the post requirement.


You weren't selected regardless.
You weren't selected regardless.
Was that supposed to bug me , or was that you just stating the obvious ?

That's cool but in the future maybe when having a giveaway maybe they can state the rules a little more clearly instead of changing them half way through the contest. I totally see what they are trying to do by giving their cheap a-s pointers away to people who have some rep power.It'sually kinda smart. It will give their reviews more credibility.
I'm surprised that I'm the only person who's mentioned this. You vets( of the forum) usually jump on things like this or on people when mistakes are made. But since this giveaway was clearly for vets only, you just gave it a pass.
I wouldn't consider a member with 100 posts a vet. I understand your frustration, but i'm assuming the requirement was to try to weed out members that only joined for a chance at a free laser and wouldn't be heard of afterwards.
You weren't selected regardless.
Was that supposed to bug me , or was that you just stating the obvious ?

That's cool but in the future maybe when having a giveaway maybe they can state the rules a little more clearly instead of changing them half way through the contest. I totally see what they are trying to do by giving their cheap a-s pointers away to people who have some rep power.It'sually kinda smart. It will give their reviews more credibility.
I'm surprised that I'm the only person who's mentioned this. You vets( of the forum) usually jump on things like this or on people when mistakes are made. But since this giveaway was clearly for vets only, you just gave it a pass.

There was no "pass" given. The idea was to do a giveaway to long term, contributing members of this forum, who could do a short review.

You don't really fit well into any of those criteria.

Everyone except for you seems to have understood it. You for some reason are very sore about it, despite not having been chosen.

Yeah... you are a sore loser. Get over it. I didn't win either, you don't see me bitching do you? Or the others that didn't win.

Instead of bitching you may want to write a few reviews and actually contribute to the forum, so maybe next time you qualify.
There was no "pass" given. The idea was to do a giveaway to long term, contributing members of this forum, who could do a short review.

You don't really fit well into any of those criteria.

Everyone except for you seems to have understood it. You for some reason are very sore about it, despite not having been chosen.

Yeah... you are a sore loser. Get over it. I didn't win either, you don't see me bitching do you? Or the others that didn't win.

Instead of bitching you may want to write a few reviews and actually contribute to the forum, so maybe next time you qualify.

Why don't you go and f--k you hand!
Was that you who changed my avatar for me I hope not for your sake . Hacking someones account is not something I would think the Mods would take lightly. I would hate to think you would risk so much over a "sore loser newby " like me .
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Why don't you go and f--k you hand!

Hmm... 35 posts total, 5 of them in this thread. None of them were a review.

Not to mention you were never picked to begin with.

:wtf: is your problem kid, you were never entitled to win, there was no guarantee of winning for anyone.

Grow up.
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Hmm... 35 posts total, 5 of them in this thread. None of them were a review.

Not to mention you were never picked to begin with.

Wtf is your problem kid. Grow up.

My problem is now you !

I wouldn't even begin to write a review about a laser . "I'm not qualified like you". I don't have an unhealthy obsession with them. See I have a life outside of lasers I tend to spend most of my time " with my family or talking to people " ( you know face to face ) not staring at some computer screen writing about lasers or trying to insult people on a forum who are trying to learn about them.
Get a life buddy. From your post count it looks like you need one.Over 7600 in little more than a year. Really ?
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My problem is now you !

I wouldn't even begin to write a review about a laser . "I'm not qualified like you". I don't have an unhealthy obsession with them. See I have a life outside of lasers I tend to spend most of my time " with my family or talking to people " ( you know face to face ) not staring at some computer screen writing about lasers or trying to insult people on a forum who are trying to learn about them.
Get a life buddy. From your post count it looks like you need one.Over 7600 in little more than a year. Really ?


Go do this somewhere else loser...

Hold off on grgguy for a bit guys.

He may be dealing with a hacked account

(Temp banned to check it out)

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If it turns out the account was hacked, can you please delete all the posts after #113, and I'll PM Avery to correct his rep?
If it turns out the account was hacked, can you please delete all the posts after #113, and I'll PM Avery to correct his rep?

I am in contact with grgguy
He has sent an email to c0ldshadow
We are waiting for c0ld to log on

The ban is just a temporary measure to stop action in the account
until he gets it straightened out

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