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FrozenGate by Avery


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??? what is it with this thread?
Why is it that so many are confused as to the fact that it is over and done with. First we had grgguy throw a temper tantrum yesterday. Now SOG is confused, dont now what he is thinking??

??? what is it with this thread?
Why is it that so many are confused as to the fact that it is over and done with. First we had grgguy throw a temper tantrum yesterday. Now SOG is confused, dont now what he is thinking??

Idk:undecided: People just go nuts whenever the word Free is thrown in maybe?
Sorry guys, didn't read the whole thing... Usually I just press on "new post" and see what is new, I guess it's on new latest post
Hello all-
very sorry for missing that post..and very sorry too for the drama that happened after... you would have been right after Bshan near the very end of the list and although its of little comfort you still would not have won.
It was an accident and I make no excuses. Please PM me your address and I will send you a gift.. hak
he was not hacked. I check the logs.

please move on peacefully from this.

please change your avatar , grgguy


Who changed my avatar to a dead fish then? I know I certainly didn't do it!

For clarification , I was simply trying to point out how the rules of the contest were changed after the contest had already started, when this "InfinitusEquitas" guy tried to insult me . I then went on to insult him back . Then after the 2nd or 3rd reply I saw that my avatar had been changed from a lovely picture of Mila Kunis to a picture of a dead fish rottinging in the sand. I then pm'ed Dave to that this had happened and stepped up my attact on "InfinitusEquitas" thinking he had something to do with it . I was then banned by Dave ....
"I only banned the account to stop any action on it while you got the possibility of being hacked straightened out" (His words)....It was to temporarily stop access to protect you......
I then wrote an Email to Avery explaining to him what had happened. He got back to me a few hours later saying he would remove my ban and reset my password and also stated that it wasn't "InfinitusEquitas" who had changed my Avatar that in fact it had been ...... I just got an email from a moderator, 2007Revolution, who said they changed your avatar on error...... ( again his words ). I found this strange since Dave had also said to me that he didn't have the ability to change Passwords or my account ...."I cannot change your password or change your account".....( his words ). Me being new to the fourm thought if Dave the main moderator didn't have the ability to change my avatar then how could 2007Revolution?....someone is covering for someone ?

To end this , Feel free to give me as much negative rep as you would like I really don't mind.(I don't need any Laser rep I've got street Cred , Put that in your Pipe and smoke it, BIATCH! ) I'm not on this site to make friends I'm here to read and learn. I just don't enjoy being lied to or having my Avatar changed into a dead fish because I have an unpopular opinion.

I look forward to any responses anyone may have and I'll do my best to be civil when responding.
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I would look at who you live and work with ;)


I just got an email from a moderator, 2007Revolution, who said they changed your avatar on error......Would you like for me to forwardyou the Email? I can If you'd like.
Hey guys. I just received my freebie. :D Big thanks for the giveaway. :D There is one small problem, it seems the batteries are a bit loose in the barrel and this is causing an intermittent connection issue. I will put some tin foil in the back of the barrel and see if that solves the problem.
Update: The tin foil seems to have fixed the problem with the freebie. All is good now. :D Thanks again Cherry and Len. :) This is currently my only laser, so I was very happy to see it arrive. :D

@grgguy The changed avatar was an honest mistake. The fish avatar was meant for a spammer and the wrong window was open. Just to clarify, the moderators can change or delete avatars and signatures, but they cannot see, change, or reset passwords.
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Update: The tin foil seems to have fixed the problem with the freebie. All is good now. :D Thanks again Cherry and Len. :) This is currently my only laser, so I was very happy to see it arrive. :D

@grgguy The changed avatar was an honest mistake. The fish avatar was meant for a spammer and the wrong window was open. Just to clarify, the moderators can change or delete avatars and signatures, but they cannot see, change, or reset passwords.

Ya Ya my bitches , Not all of us brothers lie but snitches get stitches , shiat!!!
Now about the rule changes ....aaaaahahahaaa
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Thanks hakzaw1, lasermans and cherrylee for doing this sweet giveaway.
Congratulations on the winners.
@grgguy --

The moderator who made the mistake has informed you and has apologized
Mistakes happen
I would think that you would be happy that your account was not hacked
That would be one less thing to worry about

However, that mistake has nothing to do with infinitusequitus
Find another way to vent you anger

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