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FrozenGate by Avery

DX accidently sent me two Dildas

Jan 8, 2008
I ordered a DX200 and some batteries. The batteries shipped seperately, and the laser arrived first. When the batteries came, I was suprised to find not the batteries, but another Dilda! I checked the paypal history, and they did not charge me twice. No, I'm not asking for a moral lecture, I just thought I'd let you all know.

360freak said:
I ordered a DX200 and some batteries. The batteries shipped seperately, and the laser arrived first. When the batteries came, I was suprised to find not the batteries, but another Dilda! I checked the paypal history, and they did not charge me twice. No, I'm not asking for a moral lecture, I just thought I'd let you all know.

[sarcasm]They sent two in hopes one would work :P[/sarcasm]
360freak said:
I ordered a DX200 and some batteries. The batteries shipped seperately, and the laser arrived first. When the batteries came, I was suprised to find not the batteries, but another Dilda! I checked the paypal history, and they did not charge me twice. No, I'm not asking for a moral lecture, I just thought I'd let you all know.

Oh Yeah . . . .Did I forget to tell you that I had them include my laser with your order? It was just to save on shipping. You can go ahead and forward it to me now.

[sarcasm]They sent two in hopes one would work :P[/sarcasm]

hehe.. in case of green lasers that might be a good idea sometimes, but these reds seem to be pretty reliable. Then again, having a spare cant hurt ;)
LikeitBright said:
I gotta know, whats the reference to the DX laser as a 'Dildas'?

Someone started calling the DX200 Red a "Dilda Laser" because its shaped like a dildo. I guess the name just stuck.

thats crazy :o

I would send it back, call me crazy, but I hate having that kind of 'almost stolen but not really' feeling ;D

That's just me though. good score!
I had to get a replacement on my first one.

But I got my replacement yesterday and it does not disappoint.

Oh yeah, Insert generic "give it to me" comment here too :P
360freak said:
I ordered a DX200 and some batteries. The batteries shipped separately, and the laser arrived first. When the batteries came, I was surprised to find not the batteries, but another Dilda! I checked the paypal history, and they did not charge me twice. No, I'm not asking for a moral lecture, I just thought I'd let you all know.
It was no doubt a shipping error, it would cost you more to send it back then it would be worth; you can't ship back to them for what they can ship out to use for, and they know this, I highly doubt they'll ever question it if that is what you are thinking about.

As for checking your PayPal history, they can NOT initiate a charge to your PayPal, it simply doesn't work that way, only you can do that; if it was a direct credit card purchase they could, BUT even under the terms of credit cards they can not just charge/bill anything you didn't authorizes w/o your express permission; sure it does happen and you can get it reversed, but the beauty of PayPal IS they can NOT do it even IF they tried.
I'm not saying to be dishonest here at all, if they contact you about sure you should agree they sent you two of them and see what they would like to offer you as options, like keep it & pay for it by sending them another PayPal, they pay to return ship it, they offer a discount for you to keep it and pay for it cause you never really ordered it in the first place, etc etc.

It's All Good, nothing to worry about.
GooeyGus said:
thats crazy :o

I would send it back, call me crazy, but I hate having that kind of 'almost stolen but not really' feeling ;D

That's just me though. good score!

I know what you mean. In a walk in store, in person, I would feel bad if I recieved extra change or something. but over the net, this guy either just got some owed good karma, or if he chooses to keep it bad future karma! ;D I would do one thing. Order more batteries! ;D
