Your right, you make your own decisions, and you can take your own risks. From your original post, however, it sounded like you didn't know the risk you had took at the time. I know you wouldn't be looking at the spot if you knew it could blind you, and I'm not saying it would. But I have a lot of reason to come to that logic.
In your original post you did ask for info on afterimage duration, and I am sorry if I completely ignored this at first. Still though, it seemed you were wanting safety advise as you were mentioning your circumstances rather than just plain out asking about after images.
I still back up what I said as I do believe I stand correct and think it needed to be said, maybe not in the same tone, but still needed. You could damage your eyes looking at the spot without glasses. With any higher powered laser for that matter, but 1W makes it much more probable.
Also, I believe I have now answered your question about afterimages in my case.
Hope your eyes get right soon.
You cant blind yourself looking at a diffused reflection, but I understood it can cause damage. The damage is extremely minimal and does not impact my life at all. I have to be actively looking for it in most cases, and from what I understand this sort of damage you adapt to and never notice it all unless you specifically look for it. It has made me respect the laser a lot more, I don't even use it with a termination point anywhere close to me anymore. I've pretty much decided to just use it in the sky (after checking for planes) or with lens effects (The effect kits are in my g2 orders >.<)
I knew diffused posed a hazard, I even posted that on gizmodo out of concern for other people. It seems weird to me that the damage from a diffused would be a "Spot" as its diffused and not focused to a spot. It is why I think it is more likely an after image from looking at the dot, not damage. to describe this would basically be a floater. We all have them, except this one stays in a specific spot. You don't tend to notice floaters, and when you do its not a big issue.