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FrozenGate by Avery

DTR missing?

Aug 2, 2010
HHi. Days ago I placed an order since years ago I had already bought diodes from this seller. Turns out, she's not giving any signals and I've sent her unanswered emails. Does anyone know what happens to him?

If you ordered from Ebay , then you can correspond through the sellers portal. But you can also try to set up an ebay account to do this as well. You can do this even if you did not buy from Ebay. Try this it usually works for most sellers.

Good luck! Oh DTR is away on private business , so a person named Augy is running the shop in the meantime. He usually responds in 48 to 72 hours.
FIRST DTR aka Jordan is a he and him NOT she or a her.. I will assume that English is not your first language.
you write: 'Days ago' & that does not say enough -how many days? You may be worrying way too soon.

From what I have read , Jordan is away for the moment taking care of family business maybe- his friend 'Augie' is watching the store and shipping so everything is slowed down some. And since you are in Spain- expect a longer wait.

How did you pay? IF paypal you even have less to worry.

Paypal should send you a message when the box is shipped (& give tracking info_)and also can tell you if the money sent has been accepted, Be VERY sure that your correct mailing address is correct at Paypal- mine got switched somehow and my item went else where and NOT to Texas.

DTR is a long time member in very very good standing.

Many here 'know' him very well and never worry.
We do NOT know you.. but are glad you joined and hope you will stay and enjoy the forum..,did you post a intro in the 'welcome' section? If so did you put Spain in its title? that makes a better intro.

By doing this you may get some greets/welcomes from members near you. Our last forum, our location appeared every time we posted anything--the new forum does not.

So we must 'click' your avatar or go to your profile page to see 'Spain'-- this, IMHO, is a bad thing. It makes if harder to know members who can help us--sometimes in person.

This is more important if a member wants to hold or host a laser meet (LEM) --the host can make a thread about the meet (sometimes without much advance notice) but cannot easily send PMs to each local member.

WE also had 'social groups' mine was 'Long Horn (Texas) Laser Fans' So if I wanted to hold a meeting I can send one message to all in one click. If you are like almost all of us- you do not have many/any laser friends close to you- nobody to share your laser addiction with. While I have never seen anything about a LEM in Spain -- that does not mean that there are not any --but if that is the case YOU should host meet.

These grow in size each time. I have been to many small LEMs and 5 (out of 14) SELEM events- the biggest and best LEM. Due to all the dangers most LEMs are not open to the 'public'-- so a LEM with 50 people is large.. which takes a lot of time and LEMs. I enjoy putting a 'face' on my friends when I get to finally meet them.

AND there is never enough time at these to do everything we would like to do. Even at the long LEMs, those going do not sleep much.. SELEM had grown from one day/night to more that 5 full days and STILL many wish that SELEM lasted longer-- or happened more than just once per year. Sad to tell you that we have 'lost' our venue for SELEM.
(held in august in North Carolina USA) a 17 hour drive I am happy to do as SELEM was a true one-of-a-kind event.

I was blessed being able to make 5 SELEM events. & only flew one time. They do happen on your side of the pond- UKLEM is often held in London (etc) -there have been LEMs in Germany IIRC they call it a "laserfreeks'' gathering.

We have many in the USA. BUT never too many.. There is a special section for these meets at the laser show forum. AND as some meets happen without much notice,,, so I suggest , if you are interested you should join and subscribe to that section/forum and check often about new LEMs-
to find that forum AND see a lot about the shows at SELEM ----
just search 'SELEM Laser' and most of the hits are to Youtube vids but also show that forum's name-- easy to find and join.

That forum is a little different to LPF-- most are laser show fans first and handheld fans last. Many like all lasers and join both. I will be watching for your intro.. it is the best place to start here. and never too late to make an intro--mine was months late- but glad I made it-- over 10 years I have met more than 100 forum members in person as well as their families and friends - I now have places to stay on my travels.
I now consider them to be my 'extended' family.
IF YOU ever make it to Houston let me know-- we will have a 'pop=up' mini LEM just for you.
Happy Holidays and blessings to keep your family and friends safe and well==Len
HHi. Days ago I placed an order since years ago I had already bought diodes from this seller. Turns out, she's not giving any signals and I've sent her unanswered emails. Does anyone know what happens to him?
Contact him via ebay, he's working and he's willing to make bisuness.
Thank you all for the answers. I have been in this forum for many years but for personal reasons I am absent.

Can anyone post a link to eBay's DTR store ?. I can't find
Thank you all for the answers. I have been in this forum for many years but for personal reasons I am absent.

Can anyone post a link to eBay's DTR store ?. I can't find
his ebay 'name' is dtr-lpf or very close to that-there is a 'contact seller' place to click- I then click the bottom option which gives you a box to enter messgs to seller. its private- afaik-

In some cases the seller has a link in every listing like '' see my store''- I am thinking if we can get you on the cell phone with DTR ALL will be fixed.--
at his profile they show 'last visit' some guys just check something out then go off-line w/o replying to anything.. but lets assume replies may be made by Augie--not Jordan
also I will make a thread in the Vets section to see if any vets knows waz up.. & WILL look at his feedback from recent sales the dates have meaning ..he also has listings at Scamazon or did at one time''
Hi, yes he is shipping but the USPS is snail slow still waiting since the 19th of DEC for the item to move.
Damn Holidays
I am very glad that the individuals who belong to this forum are here. We all try to help each other when there seems to be a back hole . But remember that even though light is not visible it still illuminates......Just on a different frequency. All which exists, seen or not has a special vibration. Once we know how to perceive those vibrations, we can see the complete universe. Have faith!
Sorry for the delay in answering. The laser arrived perfectly. Very happy as always with Jordan. I just ordered another 520nm laser :p
you can't go wrong dealing with DTR.
just his HOW_TO build posts are amazing- makes building so much easier.
If you cannot follow his steps MYB you should not be building==just sayin'.
You have the most recent information--he is not available.

His web site is very self explainatory with more than enough technical details. What is it you need to understand that is not clear on both the DTR and Survival laser web site which nobody else seems to have any problem with or question about.
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