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dorcy/osram build

Jun 25, 2011
i just completed my dorcy jr build. worked great for a few minutes. then the diode went dim, BUT STILL LASING and with the SAME appearance just dim. i checked my battery, then took it all apart and put 4.0V to the micro boost - still dim.
i will have to check the driver output a bit later - i'm frustrated and need to let it alone for a while.

the question i have is - when you kill an osram pl450b single mode will it STILL LASE? the drive is set to 390mA using 7 diodes on jufrans test load. is there a chance i didn't kill another expensive diode?
i will find out myself later but in the meantime i could use some hope.....

much more to come with pics, i'm going to have a lasing dorcy jr soon
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What driver did you use ? And 7 diodes on the Jufrands testload is way too much. I would use only 4 diodes.

It is lasing OR dim. You can't have both.
any chance on a tailcap current reading? did you take out the stock PCB on the dorcy?
as i said a micro boost. the diode lases still it's just very dim. i'm hoping the driver is at fault and i don't have a zombie
on the test load - i use 6 diodes for a 12x diode. these osrams have a higher Vf so i added a diode, using 7

edit to jander - all is apart now i just had to put everything down for a little while - ya know?
i cleaned all the parts off the original board and soldered my driver leads to the bare board. it worked GREAT for a couple minutes, then dimmed like it wasn't getting enough power
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Oh, I didn't read that :)

Try set the driver lower and see if it still lase.
I fear the worst. I think you might be mistaking in the forward voltage I'm going on memory here, but the 12x requires more V than the lower mW pl450. I'm in and out today.
i'm basing my Vf values on info (photographic actually) i obtained on lpf.
in this thread about the flex drive http://laserpointerforums.com/f67/what-flex-78826-3.html jeff shows the Vf of a 12x driven to how we set A.
and here blord pushes an osram http://laserpointerforums.com/f65/osram-pl450-450nm-80mw-power-chart-71645.html

i'm gonna take care of some other stuff and get back to it later - i just have to test the driver to see what it's doing then go from there. i have just a little hope for the diode because it does lase and doesn't get crazt hot.
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i'm the proud owner of a zombie pl450b. my micro boost works just fine and i was able to bottom out the current on it even farther to 380mW. once i connected the diode it again all was the same - nice little dot focused and the familiar unfocused shape. only at 1mw or so. i over powered the diode, my fault.
ya know what really sucks? the heatsink i bought for my dorcy had no set screw hole, and the module was loose. so i arctic silvered the copper module into the sink.:toilet:
i'm the proud owner of a zombie pl450b. my micro boost works just fine and i was able to bottom out the current on it even farther to 380mW. once i connected the diode it again all was the same - nice little dot focused and the familiar unfocused shape. only at 1mw or so. i over powered the diode, my fault.
ya know what really sucks? the heatsink i bought for my dorcy had no set screw hole, and the module was loose. so i arctic silvered the copper module into the sink.:toilet:

You use an adhesive from the module to the heatsink? and a moment of silence
for the mighty 450nm :can:
i'm the proud owner of a zombie pl450b. my micro boost works just fine and i was able to bottom out the current on it even farther to 380mW. once i connected the diode it again all was the same - nice little dot focused and the familiar unfocused shape. only at 1mw or so. i over powered the diode, my fault.
ya know what really sucks? the heatsink i bought for my dorcy had no set screw hole, and the module was loose. so i arctic silvered the copper module into the sink.:toilet:

I would not accept such sink. Without a setscrew I would call it a design error.
i was surprised when it arrived like that but just let it go. i never asked for a photo or if it had one.
so if it's not one thing it's TWO! the tail switch is broken on the dorcy. i've tried to get it apart but have had no luck yet. anyone out there ever had to repair/replace one of these?
thanks man! i'll report back. $.99 and free shipping i'm in.
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No problem....if I remember right, I pried the plastic retainer out with a small (jeweler type) screwdriver.(pry a little at a time, going around the diameter) The seller in the link, shipped quickly, and didn't take long to get them.

Just be careful with the pins, they're only good for~2 bends before breaking :D

Take care,

I've got a new style Dorcy Jr. with a broken switch :D

