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FrozenGate by Avery

Osram PL450 450nm 80mW power chart


Dec 24, 2007
I am posting my data on the Osram PL450 450nm 80mW TO38S

My diode is mounted in the aluminium module and heat sinked with a big CPU cooler.
Lens is standard acrylic lens and 405nm/445nm G2 lens.

Test equipment:
Bluefan Basic LPM.
DC powersupply YH-305D



I hope this information helps us all learn more about this diode.


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Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

Are you direct-driving that diode right off the power supply?

Is it OK to do this for every diode in every case?


Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

Yes, the diode is direct driving by the DC power-supply. You have to dial the current knob to zero and short the terminals before hooking up the diode. Works for every diodes. It is a very handy tool for the laser hobbyist.
Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

So the PSU essentially acts as the driver to regulate constant current?

Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

With the bench PSU you can omit the driver. It acts like a variable driver and power supply in one.

:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: 1000 posts :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

Glad to be of help on the 1,000 posts!

Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

I am posting my data on the Osram PL450 450nm 80mW TO38S

My diode is mounted in the aluminium module and heat sinked with a big CPU cooler.
Lens is standard Acrylic and 405/445 G2

Test equipment:
Bluefan Basic LPM.
DC powersupply YH-305D

I hope this information helps us all learn more about this diode.

This is great info to have for anyone building a blue laser using this doide, thanks!
Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

Thanks for doing this. Do you have a duty cycle to report? It also helps to know your measurement methods.

Do you let the diode cool down between every data point? Or were all the point taken in < 5mins time?

Was the any active cooling on the heatsink like a fan?

Have you considered making a higher resolution plot to work out some of those noticeable "wiggles"?

Just giving you some ideas. You got a good setup, and proper measurement tools, and I think you've got the ability to go even further!

Nice work!


Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

I didn't took 5min between the readout. It is more like 10sec. I dailed the current to the next step and waited 10sec. Maybe i got sloppy in the last measurement, there is some up and down at some points.
The aluminium heatsink barely heatup during the test. It could be easily cooled passively.
Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

I am posting my data on the Osram PL450 450nm 80mW TO38S

My diode is mounted in the aluminium module and heat sinked with a big CPU cooler.
Lens is standard Acrylic and 405/445 G2

Test equipment:
Bluefan Basic LPM.
DC powersupply YH-305D



I hope this information helps us all learn more about this diode.

Wow I thought you needed a driver because of voltage spikes, so the psu regulates current/voltage? Where did you buy it? I've used them before in highschool engineering class. I need to get me one :)

btw I have the same LPM :)
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Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

I updated the chart with more G2 measurements and with 30sec readout after adjusting the current.

Maybe I should murder the diode to know its limit ? :D
Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

I updated the chart with more G2 measurements and with 30sec readout after adjusting the current.

Maybe I should murder the diode to know its limit ? :D

Did you manually create the graph?
Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

I put the numbers in MS Excel and the software makes a nice graph for me. :)
Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

Thanks for the testing.:beer:

I need to get one of these for a keychain build. If you could squeeze 250mW-300mW out of it that would be sweet. I see you topped it @ 1A. What does the data sheet recommend on these?
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Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

Noway it can be run at 1A. I stopped testing it at 200mA and that is already 50% overdriven.




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Re: Osram PL450 450nm power chart

Valuable resource. I sold the diode I had, may need to get another one... ;)
