Check the link in the previous post. Machine work will be done while Daniel is on mid-term break and we are still on target for a mid Feb. unveiling. The samples should be sent out to K-9 and Daquin very soon, there are some logistics involved, Daniel in shool at one place and the machinist in another, the ideal is to rendevous Daniel with the completed Chunks during the break so they only need be shipped one time. I will be distributing to the US and Canada as wel as any where the freight is cheaper from the Us vs the UK.
Daniel is polishing the drawings for the Jr Chunk, for the Dorcy Jr. and that will be following on the heals of the release of the others. It has taken a long time to get here but once the first batch is out the brain work will be over and production will be as simple as a phone call to the machinist.
Daniel has threatened to send me a pre release Tactical Chunk, I will toss in a blue diode, flexdrive and post the results.

Check the link in the previous post. Machine work will be done while Daniel is on mid-term break and we are still on target for a mid Feb. unveiling. The samples should be sent out to K-9 and Daquin very soon, there are some logistics involved, Daniel in shool at one place and the machinist in another, the ideal is to rendevous Daniel with the completed Chunks during the break so they only need be shipped one time. I will be distributing to the US and Canada as wel as any where the freight is cheaper from the Us vs the UK.
Daniel is polishing the drawings for the Jr Chunk, for the Dorcy Jr. and that will be following on the heals of the release of the others. It has taken a long time to get here but once the first batch is out the brain work will be over and production will be as simple as a phone call to the machinist.
Daniel has threatened to send me a pre release Tactical Chunk, I will toss in a blue diode, flexdrive and post the results.