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Custom Copper heatsinks made to order

What is the difference between bar, plate, and finned copper? Just different forms or do they actually offer different amounts of heatsinkability? Thanks.

Bar is heavy usuly 1" thick, can be several inches on a side. plate is thinner usuly 1/4" thick and also can be several inches on any side. finned is usuly a plate with finn's on one side, it can however be a round turned piece with circular finn's. hope this helps.

Peace All Pyro... :eg:

What is the difference between bar, plate, and finned copper? Just different forms or do they actually offer different amounts of heatsinkability? Thanks.
Bar is heavy usuly 1" thick, can be several inches on a side. plate is thinner usuly 1/4" thick and also can be several inches on any side. finned is usuly a plate with finn's on one side, it can however be a round turned piece with circular finn's. hope this helps.

Peace All Pyro... :eg:

I will review these copper heat sinks soon, but for now, I'll just say these are extra well made and I fully endorse them as well worth the modest cost! Thanks Again Flamingpyro! :) -Glenn
So if I want this for a certain host I can just send you the host?
Yes that way I can machine the copper for the tighest fit for your heatsink and that's what it's all about a tight fit and moving the heat ! every one want's a tight fit !!! esp if you are going to push your diode to the limit.

Peace All...

So if I want this for a certain host I can just send you the host?
If your coleman looks like one in this picture then it would be $25.00 + shipping and the best fit will be obtained if you send me your coleman as it needs to be machined to remove the ribbs from the inside, this makes more room inside for a little bit larger heatsink but the real advantage is it will give you a custom tight fit for better heat transfer.

Have a good day thanks for looking, Peace...


ribbs machined away on the left one

there is no extra charge to machine your host if your buying a heatsink from me.

So one for a Coleman Max is $30 plus shipping?
