ehmmm :clears throat:
It starts pretty normal, much a like any night with some guys drinking and hanging out.
Me and a good buddy of mine were hanging out at his house waiting for some other guys to get there with, what other than more beer

and he needed help carrying it in. I went out to help him. A couple hours went by he got a call from his girl to come and get her so she could come and hang out with us. By that time (none of us should have drove) but he decided to go get her anyway. He heads out the door and about 2 minutes later he comes back in and was like I Locked my F*#@ing keys in car!!! Of course everybody laughed at him

SO me and a couple other guys went to go help him out. After about 45 minutes and 3 beers later of screwing around with it and trying to jimmy it open I told everybody to stand back and watch this Shit! WHAM! One blow and the whole window shattered!
Needless to say he was a little pissed, lol for the moment and then started to laugh histerically. after he told me it was his girls car.
Moral of the story --> don't lock your keys in the car
Happy ending, ok here it is

I did offer to pay for the window, and it did end up getting fixed when he turned it into his insurance company for somebody trying to rob him lol
hope you enoyed it :beer: