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FrozenGate by Avery

CNI GB 6th round!

It's Friday now, so I guess tomorrow there will be no shipping.
Any updates on where the package(s) are, Glenn?


I didn't get an answer to the email I sent, so it may be 'till Sunday night, (Monday in China), before my last questions get answered. I feel like I am supposed to make excuses for the company, but all I keep thinking is, why should I have to? The company may be big, and have a good reputation, buy they lack cooperation and really tick me off often. I'll do my best folks, but it seems like they do not adhere to our business ethics and consideration. They seem "too big" to care about the customer. I have resorted to telling them, "give me a shipping date on the items you owe me or I'll hold back on placing the next $6,000 order, maybe even be forced to buy from other sources! They are getting just that far out of hand. Nobody told me I would have to train a Chinese company about what was reasonable business practices! /rant! Hope they have a better attitude after the Expo is done! Sorry for the delays folks! -Glenn
I didn't get an answer to the email I sent, so it may be 'till Sunday night, (Monday in China), before my last questions get answered. I feel like I am supposed to make excuses for the company, but all I keep thinking is, why should I have to? The company may be big, and have a good reputation, buy they lack cooperation and really tick me off often. I'll do my best folks, but it seems like they do not adhere to our business ethics and consideration. They seem "too big" to care about the customer. I have resorted to telling them, "give me a shipping date on the items you owe me or I'll hold back on placing the next $6,000 order, maybe even be forced to buy from other sources! They are getting just that far out of hand. Nobody told me I would have to train a Chinese company about what was reasonable business practices! /rant! Hope they have a better attitude after the Expo is done! Sorry for the delays folks! -Glenn

A-holes...thanks for the update Glenn...
Hey Glenn, one Q: What service does CNI use to ship the products? Hong Kong post? DHL?
Thanks for putting up with it for us Glenn, I have always heard poor things about their customer service and great things about their products.
Meh lets not piss them off i want an over spec laser :P but really thank you also for dealing with them : )
From a personal point of view, a little patience goes a long way :tired:

Blue + Yellow = :drool:

Hang in there Glenn, we are all appreciative of your efforts

I didn't get an answer to the email I sent, so it may be 'till Sunday night, (Monday in China), before my last questions get answered. I feel like I am supposed to make excuses for the company, but all I keep thinking is, why should I have to? The company may be big, and have a good reputation, buy they lack cooperation and really tick me off often. I'll do my best folks, but it seems like they do not adhere to our business ethics and consideration. They seem "too big" to care about the customer. I have resorted to telling them, "give me a shipping date on the items you owe me or I'll hold back on placing the next $6,000 order, maybe even be forced to buy from other sources! They are getting just that far out of hand. Nobody told me I would have to train a Chinese company about what was reasonable business practices! /rant! Hope they have a better attitude after the Expo is done! Sorry for the delays folks! -Glenn

Haha, that sucks. So for all we know the lasers may have not even been shipped yet.

Thanks for putting up with it.
Did they ever ship our lasers yet? or are they still in the testing phase witch is fine by me but i am just wondering how far along we are on our time frame : )
so hard to wait for 1.2W of 532nm light : )
Also when you do the testing of the lab lasers how do you normal go about doing the time and do you attach the laser to an metal base so it has a way to cool off?
Most lab lasers use a TEC. It is also recommended to have a baseplate for addition cooling but it is entirely unecessary. The tec in a lab laser is unbelievably efficient. If you ever open one up and touch the metal that is around the diode or crystal set you will see how cold it keeps it. It is amazing. A recommended test for a lab laser is in the range of hours not minutes so I do not know if glenn will have the time to test you laser (knowing Glenn he will find a way to test it anyway) I hope you laser turns out as amazing as I hope my laser turns out.
All I ordered was a little Blue pointer. Please quit baiting me with talk of this power!!

Hey friends, It seems the orders are a little backed up, even the replacements for rounds #4 & 5, (some TEM mode returns), are only shipping this Friday, so it's not going as smooth and fast as I had hoped. I'll keep you informed. Thanks! -Glenn
Hey friends, It seems the orders are a little backed up, even the replacements for rounds #4 & 5, (some TEM mode returns), are only shipping this Friday, so it's not going as smooth and fast as I had hoped. I'll keep you informed. Thanks! -Glenn

Thanks for the update Glenn. Hopefully something magical will happen and all of them will be shipped out on Friday! :san:
Most lab lasers use a TEC. It is also recommended to have a base plate for addition cooling but it is entirely unnecessary. The TEC in a lab laser is unbelievably efficient. If you ever open one up and touch the metal that is around the diode or crystal set you will see how cold it keeps it. It is amazing. A recommended test for a lab laser is in the range of hours not minutes so I do not know if Glenn will have the time to test you laser (knowing Glenn he will find a way to test it anyway) I hope you laser turns out as amazing as I hope my laser turns out.

While I don't not know if it does have a TEC. The TEC do not magically make cold, It is merely a heat mover as it take heat from one side with electric current and places it on the other side of the TEC so not only do you get the heat from the parts but also the heat from the electric current inside the tec. But your post does have some truth as these lab lasers are basically a chunk of aluminum with some fancy diodes, crystals and TEC in them so the aluminum by mass will be able to absorb the majority of the heat ,but with no base pate the heat has nowhere to go very quickly even with an active cooing system like a fan on the laser. It's also the reason why you see big CPU heat sinks under TEC when their trying to show their power to make ICE
As for the hours to min thing I will have to talk to glen about that to see if maybe I can work something out, but this time is not even close it seems.

All I ordered was a little Blue pointer. Please quit baiting me with talk of this power!!

Lol you know you want a 1W unit to shine in the air and say the aliens are coming.

Hey friends, It seems the orders are a little backed up, even the replacements for rounds #4 & 5, (some TEM mode returns), are only shipping this Friday, so it's not going as smooth and fast as I had hoped. I'll keep you informed. Thanks! -Glenn

Just wondering but have they already built the lasers and testing them or are we not even to that step yet, as what exactly are we waiting on just for china to get it in gear : )
Want to thank you again for all your hard work and patience with us and CNI. As I would imagine this is a very difficult thing to do with everybody asking you questions and then CNI not giving you any answers in return makes you wonder if they even want our business….. Should we maybe try a viasho GB?
