Thanks Smeer and no I haven't yet Infin.
Trying to decide how I want to do that. My filters are very small like yours. Could use the glasses I suppose and see. Honestly kind of dreading that test.
Going to take a look back thru the GB and see what others got doing it including yours. Think I'm going to try it on a couple other 532s first though so I can figure out the best way to do it. Don't want to report an inaccurate reading. Does it make more sense to try to use the tiny IR filters or just go with the glasses?
By the way, I absolutely do agree with your comment as far as testing with a slow response lpm. It's not any good at catching quick switches in mw or trending but I do understand how to use it and am used to it.
I've wathced enough of others vids to see how a rapid response one works to at least make some logical assumptions/conclusions. Really want a 5W Ophir but that's not going to happen anytime soon. Just doing the best I can right now with what I have.
I've got to run more tests and I promise to report back when I'm satisfied that I've got true/correct readings.
Now both of my big cases are full. Could only fit a few more pens I think between the 2. Still haven't pulled any foam out to fit things properly. I'm very careful to carry the cases horizontal so they don't move. Before anyone asks, yes there's convoluted foam between the upper and lower section of each case

What's nice about these Harbor Freight cases is that if you look you can see the twist lock at the top of the upper section and the 2 small pieces/ridget flaps at the bottom. Just twist and remove the whole top section with the pens and small handhelds.
I've said this before but I would like to state for the record that even though I have alot of units between the 2 cases (the other case is the same but no Sky units) I have not built anything from pieces/parts like alot of you have. Made lots of mods to pens and did put together an altoids box unit but that's really it. Most of you deserve way more respect than I when it comes to this stuff. I'm heavy into the learning phase of things and rely on all of you for the real skinny on things.
I say all of that because I feel a bit embarassed posting the pics of so many units. I've had some pm's from people thinking that I'm the answer guy. I defer to most of you. So, PLEASE noone think that I'm some kind of braggart. I'll remove every photo I've ever posted and everything in my sig if needed no problem. I LOVE to see everyones "stuff" and your reviews/pics/vids!
I can do just about any test that involves a multimeter accurately as it's what I work with everyday. Most meters I own are Flukes and were talking 87v, 381, 52II type stuff and multiples of each. For anyone looking for a high quality meter even on the low end I would give my highest recomendation that Fluke is the way to go. Owned many a meter over my 47 years and haven't found a better overall product. I don't own a scope. Would be nice at some point but what I would want would be many 1000s so I'll probably never get one unless I find a huge bargain on a used one. Would rather have an Opher.
K, I just ran some tests with the IR filter. I get the feeling maybe mine is bigger than yours infin because it wasn't as difficult as I thought to hold it in place. Have small fingers and I didn't smell any burning flesh :crackup: I have a couple of them and they were from O-Like so whatever the size they list there that's the ones I have.
Now before I tell the numbers, it must be made absolutely clear that this is very difficult to do accurately with a 532 without that fast response LPM. I did multiple tests with plenty of cooldown, battery voltage checks etc... The results are to be taken with a grain of salt though.
My lp532-150 is about 20IR and the PL532-300 is about 35-40. Honestly don't like posting these numbers but this is the best I can do for now considering the LPM limitations.
Will say that your readings appear way too high but I don't want what I posted to be any kind of reference. We need others to psot their findings.
Can some others try to help with this? One of the great things about the forums is we can look out for eachother a bit. Maybe Offroad (man, this guy never gets to rest) or Blord or someone with an Opher or whatever could chime in here. I don't think it would greatly matter if yours are a 500 or 700mw because it will help in general to see what other Sky units are putting out in reference to total mw for a %.
Man, I sure use "I" ALOT. That's ok though... noone to blame but me then