Re: "CLOSED.!!!" GB: For The New 3.8mm Red Diodes 660nm (Taking Payments for Round 2)
Hey Guys,
I just wanted to give this Update.
Well I received some more samples that me and the supplier thought maybe it was a Newer Model or whatever it can be called of the original diode i received that maybe they switched to a slightly different can package.
Well After getting the 2 diode samples I found them to be NO Different then the Duals other then the Fact that THe (IR + Pin) Was Cut short to where it is not usable.
It appears that these diodes are Gone. I dont think its Possible to get them anymore.
However there is 1 last place we are going to try before i think its time to call it.
Ive been going crazy trying to find them guys i really have but luck has not been on our side.
Within the Next 2 weeks. Probably to wards the end of the 2 weeks i will know and UPDATE WHEN I GET ANY NEWS.
Its either going to be YES or NO.
Those that waited with me on there own Decision will be getting a Refund if we dont get the diodes.
With the Money I had in iam probably going to get the Dual WL ones. There still cool diodes and there cheap.
The Duals are $5 each so if anyone wants any of those instead then just let me know when it comes to when iam getting ready to refund. It will only take 1 week to get them in since they are already still in the USA.
We are shooting for a long shot here on the Original diodes But if we where going to get lucky now is the time.
We got 1 last place to try. 2 Weeks and you will hear from me.
Thanks everyone that was Patient in this. Unfortunately it dragged on longer then we all expected but at the end we just lost some time in waiting and nothing more. We found out there is indeed some freak nice Reds out there But to get them its very hard.
Iam not giving up yet but to say the least if we cant get them i promise to always keep an eye out for them.
Trust me. These diodes have really eaten away at me.

Red is my Favorite.
:thanks: Guys and Sorry if we dont get them........