Re: "CLOSED.!!!" GB: For The New 3.8mm Red Diodes 660nm (Taking Payments for Round 2)
Hey Guys,
Just got the Refund from them so iam going to start the refunds shortly.
Iam Probably just going to go down the list to make it easy.
However If there is Anyone that Needs a Refund immediately please send me a PM.
It might take me a today and tomorrow to get out all the PMs OK so just be patient for it to come.
What ill do is when i finish sending out all the PM's i will come here and Post that i finish. If i missed anyone then this is where i would catch it by someone saying i dint get a PM.

So if you can wait for that "Finished" Post before you send me a PM saying you dint get a PM please.
Its alot of PM's to get out with i know quit a few special requests that many of you have requested so thanks for your patients in advance.
Again if you need your refund Immediately just send me a PM and ill give it to you right away. Its not a problem.
Just a Quick Memo.
I can no longer Hit the Refund button in paypal so i have to resend payment back to each one of you basically the same way you sent it to me. SO iam going to need your paypal address. All th details will be in the PM but just wanted to say how its going to work.
Cheers and thanks for everyone patients.
Also again the Dual Wavelength 660nm diodes that are 3.8mm in size as well are $5 each. Been getting a few PM's asking me how much they are so i will state it again here.
The Duals will be Here Either today or tomorrow. So there wont be a wait for me to ship out.
There is a Limited supply of them. So keep that in mind. But i dont think we will run out.
They put out a little over 300mW of 660nm with a 405-G lens at 380mA.
I see at 400mA they stop increasing much.
So THe Currant VS power ration is Different then a LPC-826. In fact its kinda nice because it doesn't require so much currant to get 300mW.
An LPC-826 IIRC needs 530mA to get 300mW
So In Short these Dual WL diodes put out ~300mW at 380mA with a 400mA MAX.
Next to a LPC-826 that puts out 300mW at 530mA.
For the IR Side 300mA gives you 200mW and 350mA give you 240mW. It died at 360mA.