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Re: WTB- >600mW 532nm portable

Can I ask why you keep switching the title back and forth between 500mW and 600mW?

Is there some meaningful difference to you between the two?
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Re: WTB- >600mW 532nm portable

Maybe he's doing it instead of a bump... which is fine considering he hasn't actually bumped the thread since saturday.

That said though... going to say 700mW from the current 450mW that he has, makes just as little sense. The relative increase in brightness just isn't worth it. Than again... I'm cheap, so it may be worth to him:p
Re: WTB- >600mW 532nm portable

Maybe he's doing it instead of a bump... which is fine considering he hasn't actually bumped the thread since saturday.

That said though... going to say 700mW from the current 450mW that he has, makes just as little sense. The relative increase in brightness just isn't worth it. Than again... I'm cheap, so it may be worth to him:p

I don't think so. Editing an OP doesn't bump the thread or make it show up on the New Posts page.

That said, at a budget of $700, I don't think 700mW requires purchasing used.

I've had a number of quotes for ~700mW units that are sub $700. Not by much, but they are.
Re: WTB- >600mW 532nm portable

I don't think so. Editing an OP doesn't bump the thread or make it show up on the New Posts page.

That said, at a budget of $700, I don't think 700mW requires purchasing used.

I've had a number of quotes for ~700mW units that are sub $700. Not by much, but they are.

Exactly. What I mean is he probably wanted to draw some attention to the thread again, but without bumping it again which we found to be irritating. Of course by posting you bumped for him. So if that was the plan... it worked ;)
Re: WTB- >600mW 532nm portable

I'm gonna hijack this, as I'm looking for a >500mw 532nm as well. Budget here is $1000
I was about to place an order with Jetlasers, but I'm afraid of going through the hassle with China retailers again...

(ordering, waiting, inquiring, waiting, inquiring again, waiting, receiving, under spec, complaining, returning, waiting, inquiring, waiting, receiving, defective...)
Re: WTB- >600mW 532nm portable

I'm gonna hijack this, as I'm looking for a >500mw 532nm as well. Budget here is $1000
I was about to place an order with Jetlasers, but I'm afraid of going through the hassle with China retailers again...

(ordering, waiting, inquiring, waiting, inquiring again, waiting, receiving, under spec, complaining, returning, waiting, inquiring, waiting, receiving, defective...)

You can trust JetLasers.

I wouldn't go with someone like DragonLasers, or WarnLaser, or any of that garbage. But JetLasers is solid and Gray (Grey?) is great to deal with.
Re: WTB- >600mW 532nm portable

Gray:whistle: and I can also confirm from personal experience he is a pleasure to deal with.
Re: WTB- >600mW 532nm portable

got a couple interesting 445/532 trades if anyone wants $ + another laser
