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Change Has Come To Priceangels

It's refreshing to see a company more concerned with their rep than with the bottom line!
Thank you John!! I recieved the free gift today and the grandkids have already swiped them from me:)
My grandkids thank you as well:)
The next time I consider a laser purchase from an overseas company, your company will top MY list.

Well done!
Thanks again,

We will see what john decides to do but I cant imagine this being a realistic solution. Even if hes making $20 per $30 laser that hardly leaves enough to pay for individual testing and shipping let alone any profit. And im fairly certain hes not running a charity for understandable reasons :beer:
I think you really got it wrong here...

He is measuring every laser and shipping every laser alone in either way.

Just that in my way, it's the website category that's broken up into many individual lasers from which you can pick, kind of like buying on eBay, just all lasers are the same for on subcategory and each has measured power.

You can also just pick it the "old way" , that is just a category of the laser, nonmeasured, because it's possibly cheaper or all measured ones are taken.

Only extra effort here is creating a new sub-sub section of website.
I think you really got it wrong here...

He is measuring every laser and shipping every laser alone in either way.

Just that in my way, it's the website category that's broken up into many individual lasers from which you can pick, kind of like buying on eBay, just all lasers are the same for on subcategory and each has measured power.

You can also just pick it the "old way" , that is just a category of the laser, nonmeasured, because it's possibly cheaper or all measured ones are taken.

Only extra effort here is creating a new sub-sub section of website.

I just think its sort of like asking a shirt printing company to sell each shirt individually with price based on print quality. :thinking:

If he wants to do it that way by all means I am not objecting but to test and upload the specs of each laser will severely cut into his profits. Most laser stores spend no time at all on each laser and are selling them at the same prices and this is his competition.

We will see what he decides in any case if theres any testing of lasers at all we will all be better off because of it.
I just think its sort of like asking a shirt printing company to sell each shirt individually with price based on print quality. :thinking:

If he wants to do it that way by all means I am not objecting but to test and upload the specs of each laser will severely cut into his profits. Most laser stores spend no time at all on each laser and are selling them at the same prices and this is his competition.

We will see what he decides in any case if theres any testing of lasers at all we will all be better off because of it.
Yes but T-shirts don't vary in optical output power by 30-40% in same batch, do they?

Okay, moot point. Forget about it.
We will see what john decides to do but I cant imagine this being a realistic solution. Even if hes making $20 per $30 laser that hardly leaves enough to pay for individual testing and shipping let alone any profit. And im fairly certain hes not running a charity for understandable reasons :beer:

I think you need to take into account the cost of living in China is much less than in the US.
To put it into perspective, an electrical engineer with PHD is paid anywhere between 150-180k USD a year, while the same level in China makes the equivalent of ~8k / year.
That's an close estimate as a company I worked for several years ago had some Chinese EE PHDs hired on H1 visas and they were at the time being paid the equivalent of 6k/ year. The company then laid off many senior EEs and hired them on at ~30-40k and they were over-joyed to be making 5x what they did at home.
So for them to make even a $20 profit, that's equal to around a 200-$300 here.
That's why everything is being made in and our jobs are all being out-sourced to the far east rather than the being made in US, America can't complete in a marketplace where the labor costs and cost of living is so low.
I think you need to take into account the cost of living in China is much less than in the US.
To put it into perspective, an electrical engineer with PHD is paid anywhere between 150-180k USD a year, while the same level in China makes the equivalent of ~8k / year.
That's an close estimate as a company I worked for several years ago had some Chinese EE PHDs hired on H1 visas and they were at the time being paid the equivalent of 6k/ year. The company then laid off many senior EEs and hired them on at ~30-40k and they were over-joyed to be making 5x what they did at home.
So for them to make even a $20 profit, that's equal to around a 200-$300 here.
That's why everything is being made in and our jobs are all being out-sourced to the far east rather than the being made in US, America can't complete in a marketplace where the labor costs and cost of living is so low.

I'm afraid you are wrong. The living expense is even more than that is in America. The biggest problem is the price of house. In china if are are planing to buy a house, you have to spend all your salaries of 40 years if you are an
average white collar

6k a year may be the reality of 5 years ago. Now with 6k dollars a year, you can hardly hire a student with a bachelor degree, not to mention an electrical engineer.

The cost of labor is increasing day after day.
Thank you a milion, all guys.

I am trying to give more change to PA, but some problems trouble me these days.

Wish I could find a solution as soon as possible.

I have promised to tell you the real output of the 500 mw ones, sorry, I'm late. I have tested them, but there are some problems, I will tell you all this soon. I have to go now, many troubles about lasers are waiting for me.

I promise you john will always be reliable john. I will tell you everything.

reliable john
I'm afraid you are wrong. The living expense is even more than that is in America. The biggest problem is the price of house. In china if are are planing to buy a house, you have to spend all your salaries of 40 years if you are an
average white collar

6k a year may be the reality of 5 years ago. Now with 6k dollars a year, you can hardly hire a student with a bachelor degree, not to mention an electrical engineer.

The cost of labor is increasing day after day.
Hi John,
Interesting, I guess what goes around comes around; maybe in 20 years China will be out-sourcing everything to the USA.
Yes, here it takes 30 years to buy a home too.
Hi John,
Interesting, I guess what goes around comes around; maybe in 20 years China will be out-sourcing everything to the USA.
Yes, here it takes 30 years to buy a home too.

Actually, yes, I've heard similar things from businesspeople lately. Outsourcing to "India and China" is not the ultra-cheap slam dunk it once was. I forget where, but there are other countries they're focusing on now that are as cheap as India and China were 10 years ago.. (I want to say Pakistan or Vietnam or Sri Lanka? But I'm probably wrong.)

As the standard of living goes up due to the new jobs, so does the cost, in the long run...

I have some friends in Taiwan who worked here in the US for a while, who found pretty well paying jobs in China. Comparatively at least. Sure, cheaper than here... But not $6k. More like $25k. That's still not a lot for the US, but much higher than it was a decade ago...


-- John, I'd love to see what else PA can source... As I said I think if you could find a cheap chinese source of 473nm blue (at any power, even low), that would really set PriceAngels apart from the likes of Focalprice and DX.

I still want to buy something from you guys just because of how honest you've been. So I'd really like to hear of any unique lasers you may be able to sell at PA.
I have just received my 50mW XX-850 from PriceAngles.

It came in a nice box with a battery next to it, at first the beam and dot were next to invisible, but as it heated up to room temperature from the outside cold it became indistinguishable from my 50mW rayfoss.

That is pretty cool at $14. :)
John, thank you for continuing to improve your business in the laser department. We really do need a quality Chinese laser supplier like you, who posts on LPF what he is doing to help us. I know it's not easy, but I can see how hard you are working. Kudos to you and all PA staff! :)

-- John, I'd love to see what else PA can source... As I said I think if you could find a cheap chinese source of 473nm blue (at any power, even low), that would really set PriceAngels apart from the likes of Focalprice and DX.

I still want to buy something from you guys just because of how honest you've been. So I'd really like to hear of any unique lasers you may be able to sell at PA.

I could not agree more with both of these statements. I WILL be buying something from PA now I just have to decide what. Maybe a higher power greenie as im lacking in that spectrum.

If there is any way to source those more exotic spectrums at a lower price then the big guys id snatch up every color you got. :drool:

_______ Edit ________

John this is PERFECT in my opinnion

If you do this with all the high power (>50mw) lasers you will be the favorite bargain laser shop of this forum I guarantee it.

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Thanks for all your concern. Thses days, there are more and more customer problems now, most of them is resulf from the low output. I am trying to give a solution the underspecs, but still haven't find an perfect answer.

Sorry for my late!

Thank you all
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^ Keep up all the Hard work John, It will all Pay off at the end of the day.

Thank you for keeping us posted on what your progress is. :)
Thanks for all your concern. This days, there are some more and more customer problems now, most of them is resulf from the low output. I am trying to give a solution the underspecs, but still haven't find an perfect answer.

Sorry for my late!

Thank you all

a good idea would be to put in a note that you are not responsible for MW output, exept for the lasers you measured yourself.
This way the customer takes its own risc by buying, until you measured the laser.
