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Build Tips: Projector Mod Following rog8811...


Sep 21, 2007
Projector mod's:

I made these after reading about this cool project from rog8811 shown here: http://laserpointerforums.com/f42/hand-held-projector-26445.html

I thought I would share some pictures. For the project box that I found, the hardest thing for me, was aligning the motors and mirrors so that the end result would project the image out of a relatively small hole at the other side. I had to try to keep it this way because I had no ceiling space in the box. (batteries had to go there)
mini projector1.jpg

I had to mount the motors as low as possible because of the fact that the only place for the batteries to be mounted was in the lid... So, I used the circuit board, (because it is thin) and soldered the motor mounts (clips) onto the board and then glued the board to the bottom of the box using some strong CA glue.
mini projector2.jpg

I mounted the switch at the back and a 100 ohm pot at the left side. I also found that by putting a 10 ohm resistor before the other (fixed current) motor, I had more control/range with the potentiometer driven motor, because I could adjust that motor both faster or slower than the motor with the fixed speed.
mini projector3.jpg

This project was to me, kind of difficult because of how tight the fit was. It is also very rewarding. Thanks Rog for this great project! It has been one of my favorites so far!

I have a glass lens over the opening now...

Hey another discovery! The laser mounting method which I found, just happens to be perfect for the Sentorch as well! If any are interested, it is just an electrical connector for the flex pipe stuff. I got it at Home Depot. It says 'Arlington - 1/2" '.
mini projector4.jpg

The white plastic 'inner' part is a perfect fit for the Deal Extreme Greenies...no modification needed. Nice tight fit. Just unscrew the fitting and remove the two inner pieces and the Sentorch fits nicely. (I had to do just a very little sanding/scraping on the ID of the outer ring to get the right fit for the Sentorch. (The box mounted part of the fitting, is slightly tapered on the ID, and just so happens to be the perfect fit for the OD of the Sentorch! So, that when you slide it in place, it fits snug and stays aligned)
mini projector5.jpg

Anyway, it's a simple thing to change over! Thought I would share this cool discovery...

Another one... I finished a different one usint 3 X AAA batteries!
My Projector2.jpg

I added a glass lens to protect the inside from dust.
My Projector 2.jpg

Thanks for the cool project Rog! :)

Click here to see my list of projects and tutorials! :)

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Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

Very clean project :D
Good work jayrob.

Pattern that you get is very big and good looking.
Does the pattern look the same in real life and when you shot a picture of the pattern with camera?

I did spirograph project with 3 motors but I can't get that big pattern with lot of curves.
Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

Very clean project :D
Good work jayrob.

Pattern that you get is very big and good looking.
Does the pattern look the same in real life and when you shot a picture of the pattern with camera?

I did spirograph project with 3 motors but I can't get that big pattern with lot of curves.

I'd say he used long exposure on the camera, that always does the trick with lasers.
Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

this is a very nice looking build and nice spiro!:gj:
Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

WOW!!! thats nice work man! I wish the insides of some of my projects looked like that! those first few pics of the green laser were amazing! I think i will have to make one of these soon!!

Nice work :gj: -Adrian
Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

I'd say he used long exposure on the camera, that always does the trick with lasers.

That is why I asked :D

One more thing...
Size of pattern....What does it depend on??
Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

Size of pattern....What does it depend on??

Mainly from the inclination of the mirrors (and ofcourse, from the distance that you have from the spyro and the wall)
Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

I mean if the distance between spirograph and wall is the same.
How to change size of pattern ?
I tried to change angle but it doesn't affect to size.

I used small 40mm fans as motors.
Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

Very nice!

Im in the planning stage of building a RGV spiro and them mirrors are just what I am looking for.
Can you let me know where to get some?

Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

Thanks for the compliments! :)

About the questions concerning the photos. No, not long exposures. If they were long exposures, then the pattern would be 'doubled up' and 'trippled up'.

On one of the green patterns, it didn't even make it a single time around.

The key to these kind of patterns is fast motors. See the link in the first post to read the thread from rog8811 for the motors and stuff...

As far as size, that's going to depend on where the mirrors are positioned. If the beam hits the mirrors near the center, the size of the pattern is going to be smaller. If at the outer edge, then the patterns will be too wide. But there are two mirrors. So the adjustments are very 'touchy'.

The wall in the pictures is about 5' away...
Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

I was wondering if somthing like this could be done with the White Fusion but ended up deciding the space is way too limited. But roger can do it...:)
Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

That's how rog8811 showed it! With a spiro...

But I did not even want to try to fit all of that in my enclosure for the 7 color build. He did it in a smaller box!

I wanted to use separate battery supplies for each laser. But check out the details of how rog8811 put everything in a smaller box, and a spiro too! It is amazing...
How to: Pocket sized 7 Color Laser with Spiro Projector | Hack N Mod
Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

That's how rog8811 showed it! With a spiro...

But I did not even want to try to fit all of that in my enclosure for the 7 color build. He did it in a smaller box!

I wanted to use separate battery supplies for each laser. But check out the details of how rog8811 put everything in a smaller box, and a spiro too! It is amazing...
How to: Pocket sized 7 Color Laser with Spiro Projector | Hack N Mod

Yeah that's the thread I was referring to. It just seemed like rog did it in a slightly bigger box (I guess I was wrong). I was just thing it would be much harder to do this with the added size of the heatsinks from the White Fusion Kit. But there probably is a way...
Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

Oh no... not in the same box he used with the heatsinks from sightfx...

That would not fit. But yeah... if there was a way to fit it, rog8811 would be the guy to make it work!
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Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

Very nice! I always like the symetrical output of a spyro
Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...


I had a Spirograph toy when I was a kid...

That's where you use different wheels and stuff to make spirograph designs with different color pens.

I guess we just never grow up! :crackup:
