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Build Tips: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

Oh no... not in the same box he used with the heatsinks from sightfx...

That would not fit. But yeah... if there was a way to fit it, rog8811 would be the guy to make it work!

..... mirrors ..... :whistle :D

After mounting the modules, heatsinks, drivers and batteries (don't forget the switches :p), you still have a bit of space over the modules / sled assembly, for fit a pair of micro-motors, with pots and so on ..... just place a sliding mirror in front of the beam out, that left it pass for straight beam, or reflect it back to the motors (with a second mirror, if needed), and left the beam from the spyro pass out from the side of the case ..... :p :D

Not completely kidding, i'm sure that if motors small enough can be found, it's possible ..... but, probably, needs some machine works on spacers and holders, and some time (or a lot of time, depend :D)

Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

What I am saying in that post that you quoted, is that the size box that rog8811 used for his spiro-mounted 7 color build, is too small even for the White Fusion heatsinks than I used in my build...

He could not have fit sightfx's kit in his box: (take a look at how small his box is)
How to: Pocket sized 7 Color Laser with Spiro Projector | Hack N Mod
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Re: Projector Mod Following rog8811...

Oh, ok, sorry for the misunderstanding ..... i was just saying that, maybe, a spyro part can be fitted in the actual box that is used for the kit, too.

Yes, you're right, that other box from rog was smaller than this, not using this kit.
Really nice work Jayrob!!
I now want to build one too, Ill buy the parts I need when I have enough money =D

And a question: How do you mount these mirrors on the motors? For me that seems to be difficult...
And can I ask you for selling these parts to me when I send you a pm?

Try to drill a tiny hole as centered as possible...

The same diameter as the shaft on the motor. Very slightly angled. VERY slightly angled.

Then just glue it to the shaft. The pager motors are made to handle an unbalanced load to the shaft, so don't worry about the motor. Just try to get the mirrors so that they barely wobble.

I have some of the mirror material, but you would have to cut it, and get it round. I used a tiny belt sander...
Try to drill a tiny hole as centered as possible...

The same diameter as the shaft on the motor. Very slightly angled. VERY slightly angled.

Then just glue it to the shaft. The pager motors are made to handle an unbalanced load to the shaft, so don't worry about the motor. Just try to get the mirrors so that they barely wobble.

I have some of the mirror material, but you would have to cut it, and get it round. I used a tiny belt sander...

thanks you very much!
Doesnt the glass break when drilling a hole into it?
It's not glass, it's plastic...

But it works very well! Just like a glass mirror, but you have to be careful about getting it dirty, because you can scratch the surface. There is a protective layer that you peel off. So you peel it off last...
