Re: Fellow LPF Member in trouble
OKay-- I really like some of this BUT>>
first --its very poor taste to say much about who gives what and who can afford
I now understand the relation of amt and the 'chances'--
----or NOT. for that reason sometimes these fundraisers ask for the amt sent to NOT be posted. If its a gift from your heart there is no need to publish amts. poor taste -I know of some big $$$$ 'donaters' who ask to remain nameless. BUT since its connected to the drawin5 it needs to be done.
second FYI 'R4ffles'on-line are considered to be illegal gambling and PP WILL take action IF just by chance the 'R' word gets mentioned in a PP 'note' this is NOT something new- its been done this way for some time now- Like Kasio w/ a C and any version of the word 5ex- no do!
there is a LOT of editing that needs to be done ASAP- the 'R' word has been used and quoted way too many times-- change it --
like this post-
Originally Posted by jander6442 View Post
anybody wants to start a r4ffl3 i will throw in 3 laser from my collection i will even pay for shipping as long as the winner meets the requirements given here at lpf for laser transfers, age, reputation blah, blah, blah.
please dele the 'r' word-or change spelling --
here are most of the posts that need an edit- the 'R' word should NEVER be used-
about the amounts given-since you have it linked to the r4ffle that is needed==so N/M
IF you have ANY posts in this thread you need to go back and remove the R word or change the spelling-we need all the forum to avoid any problems arising from an illegal on-line gambling
so while there is NO harm spelling the R word out here at the forum I like to lead by example to avoid a member using a word or words in a PPal payment- not sure how 'fund-me' feels about this but why risk. I was told PP has a filter in place that sees usage of certain words -Ilke' R'- also 'drawin5' 'Prizes' 'tick3ts' etc-
any help we can give Jeff is a good thing- hak