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FrozenGate by Avery


Steve- I know in my Challenger 2 I have to use at least 2mm of added spacing with (2) flat top Efest, either (2) 6x1mm or (1) 6x2mm. If I only have a single 1mm magnet with (2) flat top Efest 18350s, the slightest tap will cause the driver to turn off then right back on. And if I only use (2) flat tops 18350 the laser will not turn on.
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Steve- I know in my Challenger 2 I have to use at least 2mm of added spacing with (2) flat top Efest, either (2) 6x1mm or (1) 6x2mm. If I only have a single 1mm magnet with (2) flat top Efest 18350s, the slightest tap will cause the driver to turn off then right back on. And if I only use (2) flat tops 18350 the laser will not turn on.

You could always buy a couple protected cells. That would probably be a perfect fit.
