Interesting story on the bats - never read it before.
The theory of any noise from switching drivers like the flexdrive could easily be eliminated by powering the diode from a linear current source.
I guess the anecdotes on here are enough to have me thinking there must be something going on, but there are very few bats around here to try anthing on. I'll have to bring a bluray on a trip to asia some time, loads of bats in the warmer countries down there.
It would be interesting to see if all bats react to it, or only certain kinds. There are 2 basic groups of bats, those that feed on insects (or blood) and those that feed on fruits and plants.
This would answer if the light affects the bats directly, or it somehow distrubs insects that make bats go after them or something like that. Insect eating bats are practically blind, so if they react it would give the insect theory, while fruit eating bats actually have pretty decent vision good enough for a direct response.
Perhaps someone here lives near colonies of either kind and could figure it out
How cool would it be to have a bluray beam as a homing beacon to attract bug-eating bats... no more mosquito bites while sitting in the garden