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Ban Abberation please.

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Do people not yet realize that this topic WILL lead to these types of arguments? This topic belongs in a more private forum. NO ONE will be pleased with where this goes (unless they just enjoy flame wars)

It's not just a matter of opinions, it's a matter of being an asshole. Again, I might overreact a bit with this...

Yes. It is just a matter of opinions. Nothing discussed is against any laws, norms, or mores. They are just opinions

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I liked the people in the pic of his last avatar :thinking:

I so wanna learn the language. Rosetta Stone.... I wonder if it's worth a the cash. My spanglish is improving at least.

Great Mod indeed!

I got the sample cd from rosetta-pretty cool=learned some new stuff from it and at no charge==some get resold after being used on ebay but never for super cheap tho-==I like this one--(btw no offence whatsoever meant to my latino friends)--I go into a convience store in Texas and the two clerks are conversing in asian tounge--I say "hey guys--what the heck-- if you are going to live here in Texas USA I suggest you learn our native language---speak Spanish!!"--more reality than joke--impossible to work in restuarant kitchen here w/o some spanish for sure.
and for the most part loved working for 12 yrs with all of them.--HZ==(just trying to 'change the subject' so to speak)its already off topic IMO
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He is a jerk that likes to kill animals without remorse. I would not let him in my house, why should we allow him here? I'm behind mfo and the ban. Maybe he ranted a bit (like none of has that before, right?) but the point renames.
He is a jerk that likes to kill animals without remorse. I would not let him in my house, why should we allow him here? I'm behind mfo and the ban. Maybe he ranted a bit (like none of has that before, right?) but the point renames.

Because this is not your house. It is a laser forum. I would fully support your right to keep him out of your house. He should not be banned for holding an unpopular off-topic opinion.

If he should be banned for the argument, then as I said, others should be banned as well.

Maybe Aberration was full of shit or having a bad day or both.. most people have the good sense to not say those kinds of things unless they know it'll get a rise out of someone. Regardless, everyone who continued posting in that thread was at fault. There's no excuse for veteran members to act like that and then have their actions endorsed by a mod by banning. What should have happened is the thread should have been locked and the user given a warning first. It's certainly possible that he is a crappy person, but everyone deserves a warning before further consequences are doled out.

^^^^Agreed... that would have been the fair solution^^^^

This right here says it all ! EF hit the nail squre on the head with this comment !
we cant just ban people because we don't all think the same way :whistle:
I also agree 100% with post #55 even the last few words ! If I was was shining my laser on the Empire state Building I would expect the members here to ban me for endangering peoples eye sight !!!! not to mention shining a laser at that building with out a permit would prob be making a lot of people mad in there and like we need more people pissed at us for shining lasers at them.

Maybe Aberration was full of shit or having a bad day or both.. most people have the good sense to not say those kinds of things unless they know it'll get a rise out of someone. Regardless, everyone who continued posting in that thread was at fault. There's no excuse for veteran members to act like that and then have their actions endorsed by a mod by banning. What should have happened is the thread should have been locked and the user given a warning first. It's certainly possible that he is a crappy person, but everyone deserves a warning before further consequences are doled out.

And not everyone shares your love of animals. You need to accept that the same as they have to accept your views. Neither one of you are wrong in a case like this. There is no law or ethical standard that says that hunting, skinning, trading pelts or sport hunting is "wrong". It's up to each person to make their own call based on what they feel is immoral, but much like religion, we all have to accept each others beliefs. Having a bitch-fest sure isn't the answer. You can defend said childish bitch-fest by playing the white knight if you want, but it's BS and both of us know it could have been handled better.
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He is a jerk that likes to kill animals without remorse. I would not let him in my house, why should we allow him here? I'm behind mfo and the ban. Maybe he ranted a bit (like none of has that before, right?) but the point renames.
This is entirely a matter of opinion. Lots of people hunt and kill animals for reasons other than food. People kill bears/wolves/coyotes etc all the time. Would you claim that they're all horrible people who you wouldn't want in your house? Some people go by the "bible" view of things which is basically "god put animals on this earth to serve us and for us to do what we please with". Other than their disrespect for animal life a lot of them are probably quite nice people.

Animal rights is a topic with a huge amount of trolling potential and it's bound to bring the worst out of people in flamewars. It's right up there with Religion/illegal immigration/abortion. Banning someone for retaliating against members who said very inappropriate things themselves isn't right imo. He said some insulting things to a member who's pet snake died after getting heavily flamed with stuff like "I hope you die creep" "cold blooded loser" "go f*ck yourself" and others. Personally I would be pretty pissed at that point myself. Disagree with his viewpoint if you want, but what he did was no more ban worthy than what mfo did.
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This right here says it all ! EF hit the nail squre on the head with this comment

Not really. Its after the fact. this falls into the woulda, coulda, shoulda, pile.

This is entirely a matter of opinion. Lots of people hunt and kill animals for reasons other than food. People kill bears/wolves/coyotes etc all the time. Would you claim that they're all horrible people who you wouldn't want in your house? Some people go by the "bible" view of things which is basically "god put animals on this earth to serve us and for us to do what we please with". Other than their disrespect for animal life a lot of them are probably quite nice people.

Animal rights is a topic with a huge amount of trolling potential and it's bound to bring the worst out of people in flamewars. It's right up there with Religion/illegal immigration/abortion. Banning someone for retaliating against members who said very inappropriate things themselves isn't right imo. He said some insulting things to a member who's pet snake died after getting heavily flamed with stuff like "I hope you die creep" "cold blooded loser" "go f*ck yourself" and others. Disagree with his viewpoint if you want, but what he did was no more ban worthy than what mfo did.

I'm all for killing for substance, but bragging about killing things because of inconvenience does not float with me. There are many alternative ways to deal with the situations. Pulling out the killing machine is just pure laziness and a disregard for life. We do have animal cruelty laws in place. Its the same reason you cant just go out and shoot a stray dog for barking to loud. Obviously mfo is passionate and took it a little to far. But his intentions were honorary unlike the other guy. I didnt see any honor in any of his posts, did you?
I'm sure I'll find some rule against what this guy was saying if I look for it, don't tell me it's just OK...
I'm sure I'll find some rule against what this guy was saying if I look for it, don't tell me it's just OK...

I didn't say he didn't do anything wrong. He did. What I said was it should have never been allowed to get to that point AND others were more inflammatory that he was , much earlier than he was.

What it comes down to, in my opinion anyway, is a case of wrong place/time and the need to make examples of people doing wrong. If trolls, immature children, or just potentially rude and insensitive people see that we take care of their type, we'll see a steady decline in them, and the ones brave enough to stay had better mature up and control themselves or meet the same fate.

-it's for the better of the entire forum. Kill 1, save 1000-
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I didn't say he didn't do anything wrong. He did. What I said was it should have never been allowed to get to that point AND others were more inflammatory that he was , much earlier than he was.


I take 100% responsibility for letting that thread fester for as long as it did. I didn't see it for quite a while, until it was too late really. I should have locked it way back. I will try to be more careful in future.

Just a note to the forum in general, please use the post report button if you see anything like that. Even if you are not sure if it is really bad, or if it's borderline, still report it, better safe than sorry.
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Simon, You are one hell of a good moderator, there is so much activity on this board it's hard for even a super human mod like you to stay on top of all of it.
I take 100% responsibility for letting that thread fester for as long as it did. I didn't see it for quite a while, until it was too late really. I should have locked it way back. I will try to be more careful in future.
Just a note to the forum in general, please use the post report button if you see anything like that. Even if you are not sure if it is really bad, or if it's borderline, still report it, better safe than sorry.

You can't read everything. As I said, I stayed out of it because I know where these topics ALWAYS go. I should have reported it instead of avoiding it.

You can't read everything. As I said, I stayed out of it because I know where these topics ALWAYS go. I should have reported it instead of avoiding it.


Ahhh... so it's your fault this happened......:crackup::crackup::crackup:

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