.global _Compress ;Compresses n words at a time. Max bytes out is n*3;
;w0 Pointer of input array. Also, return value for number of bytes written.
;w1 Pointer of output array.
;w2 Number of words to process.
;w3 Resets memory of previous word.
push w1; save addr to stack
cp0 w3
bra z,skipclear
clr PrevWord
mov w2,w3
mov PrevWord,w2
DO W3, CompLoop
mov [w0++],w3
sub w3,w2,w2;previous word - current word
mov.b w2,[w1++];put lower half into output array. Will get overwritten if > |127|
btsc W2,#15;could also check status reg for neg status
neg w2,w2; abs value
cp W2,#128
bra ltu, Skip3byte
mov.b #128,w2
mov.b w2,[w1-1]
swap w3
mov.b w3,[w1++]
swap w3
mov.b w3,[w1++]
mov w3,w2
mov w2,PrevWord
Mov w1,w2;
pop w1;get addr
sub w2,w1,w0;get number of bytes written