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B&W-tech Spectrometer & 473 module: Setup+Mods+Info

I finally got around to printing the case for the spectrometer. It is a really nice case :) Here is a pic of mine sitting on my desk.

Your print turned out very nice (cleaner print then mine :shhh:).

Yeah, diber did an awesome job designing this case.

Thanks, glad I could help !

Your picture confirmed a small issue I noticed with the box-design for my spectrometers as well: the openings for the fiber input and for the power connector are not perfectly centered. Did it cause any problems ? For mine, it was still OK, but if it would cause problems, I can modify the design a bit to improve the position of the holes.
Your print turned out very nice (cleaner print then mine :shhh:).

Thanks, glad I could help !

Your picture confirmed a small issue I noticed with the box-design for my spectrometers as well: the openings for the fiber input and for the power connector are not perfectly centered. Did it cause any problems ? For mine, it was still OK, but if it would cause problems, I can modify the design a bit to improve the position of the holes.

Thanks, the printer is a clone of an ultimaker 2+ extended. I had an original UM2 a few years ago and fell in love with them. These days it is hard for me to justify the cost of the true UM2s :) I think the layer height was .15 for this print (cura default).

The alignment of the fiber optic connector did not cause me any issues. The power connector on my spectrometer lined up with the left side of the hole, however the connector housing on the cable was bigger than the hole. Even if it had lined up in the center, this cable wasn't going to fit so I had to enlarge the hole post-print. I've seen barrel plugs with much thinner bodies so for me, this wasn't a design issue :)

Hope that helps :)
I got two more units in. One has a dead pixel that pegs the spectrum so I can't do a dark frame. Saving that one for parts. Guess I could replace the sensor....or so I thought....

I put the so called back sensor in a second unit and it works fine so there is something wrong with the electronics in the first unit.

Next, I moved the grating a little so I could get farther into the IR. Works well. I am well out into the 800-900 range. Want to push 1064 if I can. The unit won't calibrate very well however.
Here is why I think. The neon lines are hard to figure out as there so many of them. It's spot on for the laser lines themselves.

Next I want to try and move one the other way to push it into the 400 range. Might need different gratings to make this work. In fact I'm thinking usb4000 and stop messing around.
Huh. I have been looking at some USB4000s too. I am interested in getting the higher resolution from the larger CCD. Might have to wait on it as my expenses just went up again and I have to see how it all shakes out before investing in another high $$$ purchase.
I got two more units in. One has a dead pixel that pegs the spectrum so I can't do a dark frame. Saving that one for parts. Guess I could replace the sensor....or so I thought....

I put the so called back sensor in a second unit and it works fine so there is something wrong with the electronics in the first unit.

Next, I moved the grating a little so I could get farther into the IR. Works well. I am well out into the 800-900 range. Want to push 1064 if I can. The unit won't calibrate very well however.
Here is why I think. The neon lines are hard to figure out as there so many of them. It's spot on for the laser lines themselves.

Next I want to try and move one the other way to push it into the 400 range. Might need different gratings to make this work. In fact I'm thinking usb4000 and stop messing around.
Hi, have a look at the datasheet of the sensor, in the region of 1000nm it has only a relativ senivity of under 3%. Maybe you can find a chipversion without coverglas ....
Can I remove the glass? I'm game. I have three of these to play with at the moment. I am looking to get into the 785 and own range for raman stokes.
I'm looking hard at the usb4000 units. I see them on ebay for 1k or so. I also like the jazz idea so you can pop in modules.
Kecked: Just as a heads up, It is generally considered bad etiquette to double or triple post. Just FIY.

I've got a few B&W spectrometers that I would like to re calibrate or align for the rest of the spectrum like <450nm and >650nm.

Also I've got a question, is the fan for the CCD detector supposed to run at 100% all the time?
Kecked, you should read ALL pages here and you will find many answers to you questions. I know, it may be a hard job if it is not your nativ language. I have read it 3 times and still missing some of the details ...:drunk:
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Kecked: Just as a heads up, It is generally considered bad etiquette to double or triple post. Just FIY.

I've got a few B&W spectrometers that I would like to re calibrate or align for the rest of the spectrum like <450nm and >650nm.

Also I've got a question, is the fan for the CCD detector supposed to run at 100% all the time?

Hi, Matt. Yeah, the fan runs all the time. It was put there to cool the CCD in order to have very long integration time lengths. Since I don't use it that way, it is more of a nuisance than a need.
Have any of you guys found where to get some dust covers for the fiber connectors?
I've looks around online for a bit but I've only found a few places that have dust covers for SMA-905 fibers.
Just don't like storing them unprotected from dust etc.

As for the fiber connection on the spectrometer side, I found some PVC end caps that fit perfect. So I am set with that.
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I opened a unit and moved the grating. You can indeed shift the range but...the farther you go the worse the resolution. Seems to smash the lines closer together on the detector. I got down to 800-900 no problem but below 450 is a struggle. The detector is not the B style as steve showed me so it’s pretty insensitive to uv. Best range is 450-630 with the grating in there. I had hoped for 670-400 in one box with 1nm resolution but not with this grating. What do I want for 60.00!

Sorry the triple post. Was not paying attention.
