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FrozenGate by Avery


The end is nigh! Repent now sinners.
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I'm seeing these kinds of video's about the earth turning on its axis and believe it might be possible, but it would take one hell of an external force placed upon the planet to do that. I suppose if a large planet is in a eccentric orbit there could be a periodic disruption to the other planets when coming close to them, but the Earth has had lots of life on it for a long time, millions upon millions of years but life still exist, some forms fairly fragile which couldn't continue with such huge Earth changes. There isn't record of the planet having its oceans spill over continents in that past that I've heard of, but there is the fact elephants in Alaska were quick frozen in the past with the vegetation they were grazing on still in their mouths which some claim is evidence of a fast land mass pole shift.

During the last 200 million years there has been a polar land mass wander of some 30°, but no super-rapid shifts in the Earth's pole were found during this period. If Planet X passes through our solar system every so many years and disrupts the earth as much as is being claimed it can, there would be geological record of it and I'm not yet finding there is. What makes these folk believe the orbit of this planet will cause it to slice through the solar system at a point where it would be close enough to the earth to cause disruption, if it does indeed exist? With the orbits of the planets around the sun having so many millions of miles between them with such vast distances in their orbits, the odds of a rogue planet coming close enough to any one of them in an eccentric orbit to cause a polar shift would be a kind Russian roulette, but probably far better odds to have little, if any effect. I wish I knew more about astrophysics but this is my take on all of this.

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Yes many are doomed. Don't worry too much though, it's not quite an E.L.E. I myself am not worried as I am going to die anyway, I may need to post something about that in the near future. I now want very much to live through these interesting times, though if I had a choice I would not have lived in interesting times.

there is the fact elephants in Alaska were quick frozen in the past with the vegetation they were grazing on still in their mouths which some claim is evidence of a fast land mass pole shift.

No, it is evidence that the surface of the earth was flash frozen. There are huge deposits of uranium at the core of large planets, creating a natural nuclear reactor. The theory that Gravity is only a result of mass is incorrect, the nuclear reaction at the core of the planet is partially the cause of the planets gravity, a temporary disruption of this reaction caused an instantaneous reduction in the planets gravity causing the atmosphere to instantly expand, flash freezing the surface of the planet.

This of course can't yet be proven so you may consider it theory and speculation.

Hmmmm. I personally think the world will end by a mega blast of photon radiation in 2063 from Nichia making a 1kw 450nm 9mm diode. What!?
Coming from Jander, I am fairly sure it was funny to him, so he posted it. I don't know, maybe he was really concerned, I don't have any reason to deny what was said, but how can I check if planet X is really going to come so close to the earth to cause problems? Recently, I'm seeing articles that due to gravitational tugging on some planets the only explanation is that there is a planet X of massive size, so maybe it's true.

Can you imagine the battery needed for a laser that powerful?
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thi- thi- this is a joke right?

It's no joke, I have been in a devastating earthquake and I have even been one of the few to see the eye of a huricane (next time if there is one I would evacuate) I wasn't too far from the water and the storm surge was something like 20 feet.:wtf: If something worse is comming I want to know about it and prepare if I can. I was once almost killed in an avalanche from a glacier with chunks of ice the size of cars not 100 feet away from me. In the same area I encountered one of those giant bears they have up in Canada. Today I am not so adventurous and would prefer some damn peace and quiet in my last days, but if not then I want to know about it in advance.

I have heard about Planet X, even watched some YouTube videos from different people explaining their own theories. They have also named it Nibiru.

Anyway, to me I would make sense that "Planet X" could be the cause for all the extinctions the Earth has experienced every few million years. However, with all our technology, wouldn't we of found it by now?!?!

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Space is big. Really big.

Indeed, but we can manage to find stars which are thousands of light years away but not a planet orbiting around our solar system? I understand it may be dark, and not reflect much light but it seems fishy to me :/

More proof needed.

Stars give out light, planets do not. You literally just said so in your own comment. If they wanted to find it they would have to send out a probe for that exact mission. That costs money despite what you might be thinking. Your ignorance is painful. Indeed.

Your attitude is painful. Calm down and try not to resort to insulting other members, instead help me understand this.

I know stars DO emit light. Whilst planet reflect light, they do not emit their own light.

Maybe if the US Govt would've of wasted 7 trillion dollars on all the wars we could have more money to explore and understand space!

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Your attitude is painful. Calm down and try not to resort to insulting other members, instead help me understand this.

I know stars DO emit light. Whilst planet reflect light, they do not emit their own light.

Maybe if the US Govt would've of wasted 7 trillion dollars on all the wars we could have more money to explore and understand space!


And there isn't much light to reflect - especially if "Planet X" is as far out as is claimed. Hell, Pluto was only discovered in 1930 and we didn't have clear pictures of that until last year when New Horizons flew past it. Something further out would be even harder to spot. Using the "wobble" method of detection where you look for the effects of gravity from the planet is probably the best way to detect it.
And there isn't much light to reflect - especially if "Planet X" is as far out as is claimed. Hell, Pluto was only discovered in 1930 and we didn't have clear pictures of that until last year when New Horizons flew past it. Something further out would be even harder to spot. Using the "wobble" method of detection where you look for the effects of gravity from the planet is probably the best way to detect it.

Space is just so darn interesting! ;)

Yes, we are all doomed --- still as true as today as it has always been..

"GENEVA, SWITZERLAND—World Health Organization officials expressed disappointment Monday at the group’s finding that, despite the enormous efforts of doctors, rescue workers and other medical professionals worldwide, the global death rate remains constant at 100 percent.

Death, a metabolic affliction causing total shutdown of all life functions, has long been considered humanity’s number one health concern. Responsible for 100 percent of all recorded fatalities worldwide, the condition has no cure.

“I was really hoping, what with all those new radiology treatments, rescue helicopters, aerobics TV shows and what have you, that we might at least make a dent in it this year,” WHO Director General Dr. Margret Chan said. “Unfortunately, it would appear that the death rate remains constant and total, as it has inviolably since the dawn of time.” " ~ The removed circa 1997
