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Anyone heard of Warrior Tactical Lasers? a.k.a Jay Peoples?

Aug 17, 2011
Was just wondering if anyone's heard of this guy. He's selling on ebay as lakotaoutlaw with an email address of xxoglala_outlawxx@yahoo.com. Got some neat looking hosts. One called thunderstick and the other blue arrow warhead.

The fact that he is selling the lenses from the projector as G-2 lenses is super sketchy. He obviously knows the "laser terms" and is passing something useless off as something more desirable.

I also have no idea how he is selling lasers on e-bay. They don't take too kindly to anything over 5mW.

Also, who are you referring to when you say "Jay's peoples?"

Just looked at a few more listings of his. He is clearly praying on uneducated laserists. I suggest anyone else who feels the same way reports any of his complete laser auctions. I don't think his "assembly free on request" statement will clear him from e-bay's policies.
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Was just wondering if anyone's heard of this guy. He's selling on ebay as lakotaoutlaw with an email address of xxoglala_outlawxx@yahoo.com. Got some neat looking hosts. One called thunderstick and the other blue arrow warhead.

Jay's a good dude, I've spoken on the phone with him a several times and email back and forth and whatnot... I don't think he's trying to mislead anyone with the lenses, at least not on purpose - I know on his builds he usually goes with the AixiZ glass 405/445 lenses from Chuck. He took down his website recently - supposed to get it back up. I haven't seen his latest eBay items but he backs up what he sells I can tell you that much. He's very mechanically inclined but is still learning the electronics aspects of the hobby so you'll have to get him to clarify things from time to time. Pontiac you're correct with eBay's policy - they're very strict about the 5mw barrier, he's very borderline on the ones I've seen in the past.
Well, I guess I shoulda kept my mouth shut. Listing is gone.

Just shoot him an email, Jay stays up literally for DAYS at a time building 445nm lasers. Honestly I don't how anyone does that - lol.
Last I heard he had over 180 of them built and on hand. I'm sure he has more of the one listed also. He also warranties his work from the way he talks.
Well, from personal experience, I can say stay away from him. I got a bad one from him, it died after ten days. I sent it back and he said the tailcap spring shorted out and I'd have to pay sixty more for diode and driver replacement. After a brief attempt to get my money back through paypal, he tells them hes seen this for years, people stretching the spring to make batteries fit. One week ago, he supposedly sent module and tailcap back. Haven't seen it yet. Will update.
All I know is that he's from Missouri and he bought all my jib drivers.

So far i like this guy a lot...... :D

- on a separate note.
A shorted tail cap should have nothing to do with driver/diode death.

and you lost me on the spring stretching thing.... did you stretch it or did he?
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I don't know if he did, but I know I didn't. He also accused me of dropping it, while he shows pictures of it attached to an AR 15. I had used it a few times in the ten days, once for a few minutes popping a balloon, star pointing and lighting a match, a few the next skypointing again, a couple days later lighting a box on fire, the next used it to fix a switch on my truck, and the last day when it died, for a minute burning a wasp. Probably around fifteen to twenty minutes total for the ten days(I originally thought ten minutes, but after checking myself, seemed closer to twenty). I emailed him and told him about it, and he asked for pictures of the springs, which were discolored from heat damage. When I opened the host I could smell something burnt. Its some kind of Aurora X-06 with a rick trent sink, jib 1.4 amp driver, with the resistor side sinked, IC not sinked,and a solarforce tailcap using three 16340's for power. He originally told me it messed up because when I screwed the tailcap down it made the spring short out which got my driver and diode. Some later emails he sent once I pressed on the issue said only my tailcap was bad and he only had to replace the driver because it was one volt low. I made the mistake of filing a paypal dispute without all my emails attached and he made some veiled threats if I didn't drop the dispute, which I didn't, so he bumped it to a claim and ate my lunch. I've only talked to him twice on the phone, and couldn't understand him. I'm pretty hard of hearing.
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Ok. I have everthing back now. Seems like he assumed I did stretch the spring and he tried squashing it down. Now it really doesn't make contact and does need to be stretched. He did not fix the driver, or diode if it really is dead. Since when does basically shorting a switch out, kill something? When he tried to pull that one on me, there's no way I was gonna send more money to him. After all this, I know more than he does, and that's not saying much. Oops, I was trying to add this to the other. Didn't mean to double.
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I just spoke with him on the phone for over an hour. He seems like a nice guy.
That's what I also thought at first... as I said before, I've also talked to him on phone and he talks fast and low. The last time I had earbuds in and still couldn't understand him. After all this, my opinion of him has changed. Do tailcap spring shorts cause driver death, taking the diode with it? So far, I've been told no, it doesn't. So why is a nice guy trying to get sixty more bucks out of me for something he sold me and I didn't even get ten days out of it, by telling me something implausible happened that I supposedly caused just by putting batteries in it? Problem is,I was fixing to fall for it, until I talked to a few, more experienced guys.
Sounds like another sparkles scam artist to me. Somebody peddling off half ass
Low quality lasers for big money then wanting more money to fix what he f'd up in the first place.

Sounds like another person(bhwollen) cough cough. Sounds like you got ripped off
When I opened the host I could smell something burnt. Its some kind of Aurora X-06 with a rick trent sink, jib 1.4 amp driver, with the resistor side sinked, IC not sinked,and a solarforce tailcap using three 16340's for power.

This guy shouldn't be selling lasers.

Why he would use three lithium ion cells to power with a linear driver that is known to only require two (even fairly depleted) cells, is beyond me. But the fact that he would do that without heatsinking the IC? That's frosting on the cake of idiocy.

Here's what happened -

This guy built you a laser that draws 17W of power from his battery setup. A bit under 7W is dissipated by the diode in the form of optical output and heat. A bit under 2W is dissipated by the current setting resistor (which was heatsinked... great). But that leaves almost 9W of power to be dissipated by an un-heatsinked IC!

FYI, the math is: (4.1*3*1.4)-(1.25*1.4)-(4.75*1.4) = 8.82 W

Nothing broke your laser except for this guy's lack of experience. He built you a laser with a design that anyone on this forum would have known was completely foolish.
I think it was the three batteries that did it. He told me its a good burner with three 123's and sent three 16340's. What happens when you put 12 volts through a 9 volt driver? I knew the tailcap thing sounded fishy. I couldn't tell where he tested the diode or driver. Can a diode be tested in circuit with a shorted driver? I've already taken my lick, I don't want anyone else to get burned. Buyer beware. Heck, the guy even told me his wife left him right after I bought the laser, then told someone else who complained on ebay she was in the hospital. He's good. He said in his last email that I said I felt like it was my fault. I did. I thought I did something to it until I talked to other people. Now I know better. TJ, I'll listen to ya next time.
Edit: Can you tell double post penalty scares me? I saw rhd's post after I posted this. 9 watts?! That was inevitable! I'm amazed it worked as long as it did! I kinda thought it was odd with the chip unsinked, but I saw a few pics of the type driver used with two pieces of copper on resistor side and one small piece on the IC. By the way, rhd, what are the figures in that equation please? I'm sure I probably could search it, but it would be easier if I could get it from you while we're here.
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This guy shouldn't be selling lasers.

Why he would use three lithium ion cells to power with a linear driver that is known to only require two (even fairly depleted) cells, is beyond me. But the fact that he would do that without heatsinking the IC? That's frosting on the cake of idiocy.

Here's what happened -

This guy built you a laser that draws 17W of power from his battery setup. A bit under 7W is dissipated by the diode in the form of optical output and heat. A bit under 2W is dissipated by the current setting resistor (which was heatsinked... great). But that leaves almost 9W of power to be dissipated by an un-heatsinked IC!

FYI, the math is: (4.1*3*1.4)-(1.25*1.4)-(4.75*1.4) = 8.82 W

Nothing broke your laser except for this guy's lack of experience. He built you a laser with a design that anyone on this forum would have known was completely foolish.
That's why I was correct in getting him to send it back without fooling with it, then. He would have messed it up again. You know, the guy promised lifetime free labor, not parts, so legally I guess he had me there, and I'm not positive he would have made anything off the parts, unless the diode is still good. He wasn't gonna get anything else out of me just on general d***** principles, though. It would have been nice if I'd have listened to my gut the first time, then I wouldn't be in this position. But now the warning is out there, if he doesn't change his name up.
Where / how did you find this guy?
- Is he a member here?
- Does he have a website?
