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Anyone heard of Warrior Tactical Lasers? a.k.a Jay Peoples?

Now that was a brick.

I get that you are ticked and you are attempting to defend yourself, but you really need to edit that and add some line breaks if you expect anyone to get through more then a few lines of your reply.
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I'm not going to read that brick.

But, you can't "short" a tailcap. If the spring bridges the threads, then all you have is a closed circuit. That's not a "short" unless somewhere in the head/driver/front of the build there is....a short. And even then, the problem is a "short" in the head/driver/front of the build, not in the tailcap.

Even with the batteries in backwards, you still wouldn't have a "short", you'd just have a closed circuit, with the batteries in backwards.
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I didn't read all of that Jay. You went about this WAY wrong. From my conversations with you it seems like you're a nice enough guy. I fear your excessive rambling, name calling, and insane rant hear may have ruinec any credibility you may have had.

A simple explanation of what happened would of worked much more in your favor than what you just posted.

I'm a firm believer in sharing emails and pm's. It's factual evidence as to what happened during a transaction and you can learn a lot about how a person acts when they think nobody else will see it.
I didn't read all of that Jay. You went about this WAY wrong. From my conversations with you it seems like you're a nice enough guy. I fear your excessive rambling, name calling, and insane rant hear may have ruinec any credibility you may have had.

A simple explanation of what happened would of worked much more in your favor than what you just posted.

I'm a firm believer in sharing emails and pm's. It's factual evidence as to what happened during a transaction and you can learn a lot about how a person acts when they think nobody else will see it.

I agree, although I think people get in trouble on this forum for posting PMs. I'm always for it though.

But seriously Jay, you would be so much better off to SLOW DOWN. Write your messages calmly. Use spell-check (your browser does it automatically after all), use real complete sentences, use real complete words, capitalize, focus on concise clarity, etc. The next time someone tells me I'm being too verbose, I'm going to refer them to this thread!

I'm not picking on you. I'm being realistic. Nobody will be inclined to trust someone who has plenty of time to spend on writing 5 pages worth of content, but, paradoxically, no time to spend on putting thought into it as they go.

there we go,thank you, the driver intregrity would never out last the spring as hot as it got,and stretgh,right the end, i put pics on here,i dont find them,where do they go? it was all on them,so,how does spring get so hot it turns blue? that hott, what was done,it wasnt me,out of the box that laser ran till he claims it failed at the ten day thing, it failed what ever he did to it, that was weeks and ten days past him opeing from me,I helped the guy out kept fixin it, he would have something wrong with it, and it comes to me half disasembled?????

I see the photos. That said, there's no damage to the spring's PCB in that photo. For the spring to have heated to the point of changing the metal's colours, I would have thought you'd see damage to that PCB, or at the very least a desoldering of the spring from it.

The only way that you can get the cells to short across the spring, and create heat in it, is for the head/front/top of the host to have a short that bridges the top lead of the top cell, to the host wall, completing the circuit down to the tailcap spring. This actually *could* happen, if there's a spring at the head/front/top of the build, and it's long enough to be pushed to the side to make contact with the inner wall of the host at the top.
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I've been banned for posting my PM's before. I feel it's perfectly acceptable to post them. I'm on my cell pgone so my grammar is not very good on this touch screen with tiny keys :)
I was told by jay to send just the head and tailcap, that's what I did. I only sent the unit back once. Any questions just ask. I have no reason to lie. I also will send the emails to whoever asks. If I did do anything to the unit, it was accidental. All I did to it was put batteries in the same way you put batteries in a flashlight, positive first, and turned the unit on. For about ten days after receipt of the unit, it worked beautifully, then died. It has since failed again in the same manner after being fixed by someone else. The flashlight head I have since installed was already in my possesion from a Surefire led conversion for a 6P I've owned for a year, not one from Jay. Hold on to your braincap? What was meant by that? Anyway, maybe I just got a dud. I personally would not buy from him again, but I have seen some of his new stuff and maybe him and his future customers will have better luck than I did. His new builds look like they have better spring separation. So head springs shorting CAN cause this shorted and dead driver problem?
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So is it crazy that this thread has me wanting to order a laser from this guy? :D
All I can tell you, is the guy tried to charge me to fix something that for one thing wouldn't be caused by what he said, which is what got me leery, and for another thing, a part that didn't need replacing to begin with. My diode was fine. I understood him saying it needed to be completely redone, diode and driver both. So buyer beware. If you do and have better luck with him, let us know.
He was selling on ebay as "lakota_outlaw" and has a facebook page called "warrior tactical laserz". I don't think he is a forum member. His email is xxoglala_outlawxx@yahoo.com and his name is Jay Peoples, but when you email him and he responds, it comes up"jay Mangrum".

I am not too terribly sorry for digging what I think is an old thread that I have had book marked for almost 7½ years.

I ordered a laser from this guy off ebay about 8 years ago. He seemed pretty decent and when the laser stopped working I was able to mail it back at my expense and he fixed it, made a YouTube video showing me it worked and mailed it back, cost me about 140 dollars.

I'm not a laser expert like many people here are but I know the basic and I NEVER left my blue laser on for more than 10 seconds just because I had spent so much money on it.

He removed his ebay account and stopped answering emails for some reason. I remember he was located in Missouri last time I spoke to him.

Well the fix did not last long as I have a weak diode it seems... it barley shines but it still gets power. His fix lasted about 2 weeks than it craped out on me. I thought about asking him to fix it but felt it would be another waste of money.

I started researching places I could take my laser to get it fixed and ran into this website. I bookmarked it for later use and here I am...
Just wish I'd have known before I bought this one. Even after a second party tried to fix it it failed again, so evidently the heatsink or something isn't good enough. Anyhow, it sits in a drawer somewhere as a reminder of what happens when you buy crap online from a no name company or individual. Lifetime warranty supposedly. I should have known better. That was money that I could have spent on something useful. You live you learn.
