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Anyone have someone mis-handle their laser?

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Nov 23, 2009
Usually I keep all my high powered flashlights and lasers in a case with a latch for A. safe keeping, and B. to prevent accidental discharges.

Well in the last few weeks I've had a few lasers laying around the house outside their holy box and I've had 3 friends/people I know that have been over at my house at various times pick one up and turn it on out of random curiosity.

Now normally all my good friends / gf / relatives that I see often know about my lasers and flashlights and know they aren't toys and they will blind you if you look at them and such. So I don't normally think anything of it.

I have loaded guns laying around the house when these people are around and trust them enough to not put them away but yet some how the lasers get played with and by measure of danger are a much higher hazard in this case as people seem to universally have a knowledge and fear of guns but not lasers.

No one was harmed that I know of, though reflections from 1mw+ lasers off the ground and near by walls can't be doing their eyes any favors.

Anyone else have any close calls or stories like this?
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Usually I keep all my high powered flashlights and lasers in a case with a latch for A. safe keeping, and B. to prevent accidental discharges.

Well in the last few weeks I've had a few lasers laying around the house outside their holy box and I've had 3 friends/people I know that have been over at my house at various times pick one up and turn it on out of random curiosity.

Now normally all my good friends / gf / relatives that I see often know about my lasers and flashlights and know they aren't toys and they will blind you if you look at them and such. So I don't normally think anything of it.

I have loaded guns laying around the house when these people are around and trust them enough to not put them away but yet some how the lasers get played with and by measure of danger are a much higher hazard in this case as people seem to universally have a knowledge and fear of guns but not lasers.

No one was harmed that I know of, though reflections from 1mw+ lasers off the ground and near by walls can't be doing their eyes any favors.

Anyone else have any close calls or stories like this?
YOU and only YOU are responsible for any accidents that
occur in YOUR home... whether it happens with a Gun or a
Laser. YOU will be held legally responsible for any bodily
harm to yourself or others...

You know what you need to do... it is obvious...


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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YOU and only YOU are responsible for any accidents that
occur in YOUR home... whether it happens with a Gun or a
Laser. YOU will be held legally responsible for any bodily
harm to yourself or others...

You know what you need to do... it is obvious...


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
How do you figure that? Please elaborate as this is an extremely vague reply.

So glad I live in a country where such a thing would send you to jail .. lol.
Don't you guys usually cry about your lack of general rights?
How do you figure that? Please elaborate as this is an extremely vague reply.

If it wasn't obvious enough, he meant that you are supposed to keep them properly in a secure location, since it will be your fault if someone blinds themselves with your laser, just as it would if someone shoots themselves with your gun.
Since thier invention, battery ran 'lights' when they begin to dim or stop working alltogether have been looked at by directly aiming at ones eyes. WE have all done that and seen others doing the same. They try to use the flashlight- it does not seem to be working so we shake it and/or tap in its side then- look directly into the front to see whats coming out. And we are talking about adults-- children will look directly into a laser working or not-- thats what kids do. They do not know any better.

So all that being said- it the sole responsiblity of both gun and laser owners to take ALL measures at ALL times to own such items in a safe manner.

If it wasn't obvious enough, he meant that you are supposed to keep them properly in a secure location, since it will be your fault if someone blinds themselves with your laser, just as it would if someone shoots themselves with your gun.
Actually it wouldn't. Please learn the law. It's scary how clueless people are.
Yes it is scary how clueless people are and leave dangerous things laying about for unsuspecting people to hurt them selves on or with.

Actually it wouldn't. Please learn the law. It's scary how clueless people are.
Yes it is scary how clueless people are and leave dangerous things laying about for unsuspecting people to hurt them selves on or with.
I know you probably live with your mom still but I don't have to put things away on a regular basis pumpkin.
you need to pick up a bit bro. loaded guns (and lasers) should never be left about.
I have to admit I keep my lasers secured better then my firearms. :o

Assuming people have guns for self defense, keeping the gun unloaded and locked away without ready access to it may be a mistake. I'm rarely without a loaded firearm within arms reach.

Now please understand that I don't ever have any children in my home. Actually I'm pretty much a hermet. There are never more then four people in my home, all adult family members that all understand and practice gun safety.

Home invasions are far more common then they should be in the US and I'd hate to become one of the victims without at least attempting to put up a fight.

My stepson was dragged out of his parked car at gunpoint by someone wanting his money, when the robber found out he didn't actually have any on him, he was then beated and pistol whipped nearly breaking his nose and sending him to the ER to get his scalpe stapled back together. This was just several months ago and at the "good end" of town.

Needless to say he is now legally armed at most times as well and like both myself and his mother, he has his concealed carry permit.

Btw: it looks like someone needs to update the ban information thread as Digitsl seems to be missing again. ;)
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I have to admit I keep my lasers secured better then my firearms. :o

What a story O.o here in holland everything is twisted.. Once upon a time there was a law (now changed) that if a burgler came into your home and you beat him first YOU were guilty of assault!! 0.o

More twisted examples, you have to have declaration of good behaviour to be able to become a member of a gun club (very few clubs that actually allow you). When a year passes you can buy your own gun. Before you get that gun someone from the state is coming to your home checking for two safes, one for ammo one for the actual guns. They need to be in different places in the house and have to be ankered to the wall. Then you are allowed to have them and ONLY to transport them between the house and the gunrange. Very strict policy which is good.

On the other hand you can buy air pressurised snipers with silencers which can shoot 5.5mm bullets at the same speed of a firearm and accurate to about 700 meters.. You dont have to have a permit for this and you only have to be 18 years or older.. Many people dont know that..

Holland is weird!

As to OP, dude get some sense into you. You made me facepalm.. The reason why the laws on firearms are so restricted here is because of inresponsible people like you!

Greetings all,,
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What a story O.o here in holland everything is twisted.. Once upon a time there was a law (now changed) that if a burgler came into your home and you beat him first YOU were guilty of assault!! 0.o
The laws here vary by state to state for things like that. Generally speaking if you are going to shoot someone to protect yourself, it's best not to leave them alive to try and talk themselves out of trouble and you into trouble. :scowl:

America's laws are always changing though and most of it depends on which party is sitting in the white house. This last tragic mass shootings that just happened last night in a Colorado movie theater could end up causing more restrictions on legal gun ownership.
The laws here vary by state to state for things like that. Generally speaking if you are going to shoot someone to protect yourself, it's best not to leave them alive to try and talk themselves out of trouble and you into trouble. :scowl:

America's laws are always changing though and most of it depends on which party is sitting in the white house. This last tragic mass shootings that just happened last night in a Colorado movie theater could end up causing more restrictions on legal gun ownership.

That was crazy i heard it on the news! I went to the same movie today and it kinda leaves a mark on the movie.. Harmless innocent people :( stupid psyco ass morons live on this planet..
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