The laws here vary by state to state for things like that. Generally speaking if you are going to shoot someone to protect yourself, it's best not to leave them alive to try and talk themselves out of trouble and you into trouble. :scowl:
America's laws are always changing though and most of it depends on which party is sitting in the white house. This last tragic mass shootings that just happened last night in a Colorado movie theater could end up causing more restrictions on legal gun ownership.
nice to see a fellow laser guy in from indianapolis and carry guns also,i have 23 different firearms and have a pistol for every season/outfit...i was robbed and attacked with brass knuckles in broad daylight when i was 18..ever since ive carried, and i feel that if everyone responsible was required to carry guns at all times then there would be less crimes/homicides....the crazy guy in colorado would have never thought of doing that if he knew a theater full of people were armed