So I put on my Senior Engineering Technician, Grade Two, hat...
I've been off working on something, 12 years till retirement. Due to budget and staff cuts and buyouts of professors for early retirement, I have roughly 100 grad students who can "ring my bell" and I look after the teaching facilities for ~300 undergrads. That and my machinist partner in crime is off on sick leave for another few months. I get loaned out to other programs. So forgive me for not replying sooner, but I was off building Kecked's new odd ball laser in my friend's machine shop just to get my mind off work. That and my cousin passed over the weekend. Toss in that I'm sole caregiver for a 87 year old. The student robotics team's new chief engineer just grabbed what Sunday was left, , and one does not argue with EE students when they want to set your chem eng robotics team lightyears ahead. She's a good egg, had pizza waiting for us. The Rector went way long on his sermon on Sunday, set a new record for his personal best "long time", like almost an hour and a half, so I didn't see the net. Then mom said, " I want a fish dinner, all I can eat, you can come too, and pay the bill" so there went Sunday night except for testing some cavity optics and reading papers on stokes shift to alternative wavelengths while she chomped down that whitefish.
I be busy... Its not my choice, its just what I have to do to serve others and survive.
OK, first thing to do is I'll ring up Kevin at Starlight Photonics and ask him what he has in used ~25 amp drivers. I'll Ask him if he has another of the "blue box supplies" which was a nice box with two massive TEC controllers and a very nice diode driver with a LCD on it. He does not let those go to just anyone, they are/were test rigs for Really Big DPSS Lasers Inc, so I'll email him right now and tell him your trying to join the big leagues and see if he has another. He keeps them, rightly, for bench test of the cool stuff he sells.
If you had set me off, you would have known, or more precisely I'd have some one we both know call you. I am not a bastard, I am THE BASTARD when I'm angered.
Long standing joke at work.. Prof walks up and says Steve, your behind and again and look tired... Then he says, "Steve, have you been taking the time to eat again? " I get a sad look on my face and nod sheepishly. Then he says, "I bet you were sleeping, too. Your not supposed to sleep" I nod my head and look down in shame... The punch line is unspoken and everybody laughs.
OK, my afternoon 15 min break is over and a grad wants to know how to make flexible graphite seals for a red hot glowing oven... At least when he texted me at 10 Pm last night he needed it ASAP. Its 3:30 and I'm just getting to him after training a student on confocal microscopy, where I take really good care of a 559 nm DPSS.
Off I go. I'm surprised pointer dudes and dudettes do not know about Grafoil...
Chris, your looking for a range of quality driver that does not come cheap. If he does not have another blue box, Silicon Valley Surplus on Ebay gets lots of the right one, just half are duds when they get here for test... I need to find one for you.... Its big enough to have a friendly serial port for diagnostics, and you'll need a 1 Ohm 200 watt resistor and three 40 amp silicon diodes to test it.